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  • Aww, is UQ no good for you anymore?
    Ah, I just go through phases where I'm completely obsessed with one thing and have little interest in anything else.
    The pendulum will swing back to the elvsies at some point.
    Well, they took his body away, minutes ago. Rigor Mortis had set in-which was good. We needed to be absolutely certain.
    This old house? Been in the family its entire existence. Is also falling apart. Time to move, maybe. But maybe I will.
    He lived past that day-the humane society or whatever couldn't handle him yet-so he spent the last week eating steak and ribs and stuff.
    Then he limped a bit. Then he needed help to stand, then he needed to be dragged out on a pillow/bed thingy (fun for him, FUN for my back), though he would still get up with a bit of help. Then he couldn't get up at all, could barely shift in his bed. He couldn't even move himself out of his own waste-I had to do that for him.
    Of course he surprises us by dying on the day of his vet appointment to see if he should be put down. I think that it suits him.
    He was gentle-old women would happily walk up to and pet a dog that probably weighed more than he did.
    Sounds like he was a grand fellow! If you haven't considered it yet, you might think about planting a tree in his memory. Especially if your family lives on land that's expected to stay in the family. When you're an old guy, wheeling around in your wheelchair, you can look at the tree and remember.
    My dog will, barring a sudden and miraculous recovery, die today. I've had him since I was in diapers. I'll be away a bit.
    Take the time you need. We'll still be here when RL is done hurting so bad.
    I hope that things will be good after he is gone. It's never the same when you lose an old pet.
    Thank you.
    Now has a magnificent beard.
    Dark Ness
    Dark Ness
    I like it, you look like a proper dwarf (which you obviously are)
    Indeed, my dwarfiness is unmatched!
    ...I do need to do something about how it cuts off like that. Maybe I should grow a second beard- a double beard! Would such a thing even be possible?
    Dark Ness
    Dark Ness
    For a fine specimen of dwarfishness, such as you, anybeard is possible.
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