Andre Chaos

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  • LOVE your avatar and cover, what are they presently? Love the fractals and abstract graffiti feel to them respectively
    Psychedelics is a bit of what I was thinking wrt the cover image. Do you have it saved on any filesharing sites? It looks at the least like something I wanna consider studying. They both fit the theme, and the fractals of the avatar work to psychedelics as well
    Andre Chaos
    Andre Chaos
    Oh, I have it saved somewhere on my PC. Let me just find it and bring there...
    well FUCK that's so much MORE than I expected it to be
    Wishmaster? What's that all about?
    Oh? There's a Discord? And I see, was confused about it and I still am, but I see.

    Also, here's a very late but still happy birthday to you.
    Andre Chaos
    Andre Chaos
    Actually, I don't remember, if I ever saw you in any of God Quests. 🤔
    Probably not, I've never been there before.
    I've had an idea for a long time and I can't get rid of it. However, I don't have time, skills and energy required to turn it into a quest. It is so inexplicably painful. :sad:
    I have a question, would you like to assist me in writing a quest?
    It's a riot using magoose dice set in a anime inspired setting
    Donald Darf
    And there isn't an exact look to Zeki, though if I were to mention a consistent theme to Zeki techniques it would be life, natural things like plants and animals, biological bits, and the more abstract stuff, such as life experiences like pain, joy, sorrow, pleasure
    Death themed stuff is difficult
    Andre Chaos
    Andre Chaos
    Hmm, you gave me idea... In one tribe, special herbs and river octopus ink are used to create tattoos. These tattoos act as a symbiotic technique, integrating into a person and evolving to match their personality and lifestyle. Initially a symbol of status and health boost, they can transform over time based on lifestyle and actions.
    Donald Darf
    Sounds great
    Currently I have a culture that values pleasure and worships large chickens which they tame to act as spare warriors
    Who is your profile picture?
    Andre Chaos
    Andre Chaos
    Nobody. It's AI generated. I took it from one thread on SV
    Amusingly, I clicked to come ask that same question, as that looks like a draconic version of the MC from The Last Unicorn. Damn gorgeous.
    Andre Chaos
    Andre Chaos
    This one is actually thing I found somewhere in the internet, when was looking for new avatar. This also became possible look for Melissa for one quest, in which I took part in, but it never continued. Nameguy asked about other avatar I had - I like to take new appearances from time to time.
    Asked the text generator to continue this. Question at the end was unexpected.

    There are nine superpowers on the list:
    1. Telekinesis
    2. Eye Motion Control
    3. Fluidity Control
    4. Empathy Control
    5. Sensor Powers
    6. Clairvoyance
    7. Premonition
    8. Invocation of Force
    9. Time Travel
    Could these be used for political manipulations
    I think I am going to try and write a Yamcha centric Wiki Warrior fic soon!
    Andre Chaos
    Andre Chaos
    It's a good news to hear. Even if I not very familiar with the setting, but it reason to get acquainted with this. So good luck with your work!

    P.S. You know, I want to give it a try myself more and more after encouraging you...
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