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  • I just read through your old Bowsette Quest and I just wanted to Sav that I really enjoyed it. 😁
    Sad that it's dead though.
    Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed it! (I kinda saw you're trail of likes as you read) Maybe one day, when IRL isn't quite as stressful and depressing for me, I could pick it back up again. Right now I can't quite work up the drive to manage something like that, though.
    Where is your avatar from?
    For Fan Fiction: Dungeon Keeper Ami is a surprisingly good read, it updates at once in a forever, but it is long enough that it feels complete as is. originally was a mess to read, but somebody made a story only for this site recently, so check it out.

    For Want of A Nail is an fun twist on the rather dark Final Fantasy Tactics. Much more lighthearted, but still remains faithful to canon characterization... mostly.
    If you want a heavier version of a Final Fantasy Tactics story, try just reading the Stand And Watch Them Fall Quest thread. If your up to posting go at it, but the writing is good enough that you don't need to participate to have a good time with it.

    as for Original Fiction? I can never find any good ones floating around on the internet. and it has been a while since my local book store shut down, so no dice there.
    Thanks, much appreciated.
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