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  • Hey there, I know we haven't really interacted a lot but I'm praying everything's alright for you and your loved ones despite the circumstances. :x
    Thank you. We are hanging in there, though I am worried for friends I have in Kyiv who have not managed to evacuate yet. I'm... hoping against hope for an outcome we can live with, impossible though it may seem.
    This has nothing to do with spite. This is to encourage myself not to come back and participate.
    Oops. I had noticed this comment very late at night, decided to reply in the morning, and then completely forgot about that after a good night's sleep. ...As they say, better late than never, right?

    Firstly, I'm sorry for posting in the thread about you deleting your omakes. Looking back, that was a dick move on my end.
    And secondly, thank you for restoring them. Hmm... I've been waxing poetry in my head on how to put my appreciation into words, but that just keeps ending up being either pompous or silly so, socially awkward bluntness it is. I really do appreciate it. You could have left without putting anything back up but decided not to metaphorically slam the door on your way out, and that is something I respect.
    I appreciate your comments. I was certainly angry, but spite wasn't part of it. I'm glad there's no hard feelings.

    I admit to perhaps being a little hasty, and I accept your apology.
    Okita remains Best Girl.
    Indeed. I'm surprised myself at how much I've come to like her... I remember a time when I have been annoyed with yet another Saberfaced genderbent Heroic Spirit, especially because we have photographs of Okita. But apparently, bad initial impressions are helpless against Best Girl power. :D

    Besides, just look at that smug face. How could I resist?
    Okita's final Ascension art really is beautiful.
    That it is. I like her stage 2-3 card art as well. Okita looks adorable when she's trying to make a stern face. :)
    Hello have we met.
    No I mean SV/SB. It's true that you're not one of mine, though! And it's not our fault you don't make yourself memorable. :V
    >_> That line stings so much more considering you've read some of my quest.
    I'm tempted to make a joke about people only caring about a pretty face but... I did have a much more memorable pic of Nanoha and Fate gazing longingly at each other as my avatar until recently, and I cannot argue NanoFate being more memorable than Teru.
    It's probably the avatar. *hugs*

    You know we recognise people by their avatars right? My only exceptions are probably Lils, o3o, and Lichte.
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