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  • Treasure Hunting in the Misty Seas. if you are still working on it, consider backup cores and the ability to make them, might help with the recon planes, for one.
    Also check how much of the FOG tech & designs you have, think Yamato spacebattleship, Strike Witches version and super atragon in terms of shape.
    If I may, is Treasure Hunting in the Misty Seas still ongoing or is it dead?
    In the process of rewriting, I introduced OC too early that it just doesn't feel right and now thinking on plausible way to get Kaya on board. It's a slow process though.
    Suffering from writer's block... Maybe I should bring some of my old quests back from the underworld...
    Should I continue Iceberry quest?
    Yes please. If you don't like how it is progressing so far, or if you feel like you could have done much better, there is also the option of rebooting the quest.
    Out of lurking mode but still not in the mood to write anything.
    Please continue Sayaka: The Ice Quest.
    It's really great, and I just found it.
    My votes aren't out-of-line or screwing with your plot for "Miki Sayaka: The Ice _____" quest, are they? It's a fun quest and I really don't want to mess it up for you.
    I'll try to manage, though gotta say it feels kind of too serious/level headed for Sayaka's personality.
    I'd figured that the bizarre dream and warning would throw her normal reactions to Homura *way* off, because instead of seeing the cute and innocent Kyubey in Madoka's arms, and Homura as threatening them both, she sees something that looks like what the source of her powers warned her about being bad news.
    The idea being that first impressions matter a hell of a lot, and the smallest aspects of them can inflate massively.

    If it's a problem, though, I'll stop.
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