• So after your long discussion on Darkseid and Fourth World (good work, by the way), what are your thoughts on Final Crisis? Going by your Darkseid criteria, it seems to hit all the right points: endlessly sadistic to even the smallest degree, nonphysical to the point that he never even throws a punch, and taking a hell of a lot to go down in a victory that reads as borderline pyrrhic.
    Honestly, I need to reread it. Final Crisis feels gross to me in a way that is deliberate but, to me, off-putting and so my initial impression of it was unfavorable. I need to go back and give it a read with a better understanding of my biases.
    Did you tried "the silver Raven"?
    Aemon Targaryen
    Aemon Targaryen
    What does "bounced off it" mean in this context ? I am french, and while i know what it mean usually...
    Aemon Targaryen
    Aemon Targaryen
    At which chapter are you ?
    Oh sorry, didn't see the last post. Bounced off means... It didn't appeal to me. Not that it was bad, just that I didn't immediately latch onto it. I'll give it another go later and see if it grabs me
    I have an idea for a quest you can do if interested
    Well it's a villain quest and it's right after the brotherhood of evil has failed. You either play as Mumbo Jumbo, Dr Light or Control Freak and you can go to places where there other teen titans like titans east in stone city
    Well what do you think
    Sorry thought I responded. Honestly those are characters that just don't grab me, so I probably won't wrtite that quest

    But then, I've been going through some stuff in my life so I haven't written recently
    Did you end reading the fic I recommended you? If you did, what did you think of it?
    Sorry, I just saw this and I don't remember the quest. What was it again?
    Who's the character in your avatar pic?
    Who would be Steven in this Universe? IDK but i love the idea of fuhrer Connie
    Father I suppose? Honestly it feels like Rose would be Father and Stevem would be a Hommunculus wherenshe put all her "weakness". Steven would be all that pesky "humanity " she needed to get rid of just like the sins where for him
    Steven as Gluttony would be hilarious thought.
    I'm not going to tell you how to enjoy things and all, but for my JPQ Quest, I do think if you're currently reading Shatterpoint, you might want to finish that before reading the Haruun Kal Arc? For two reasons. (Cont)
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    1) Spoilers. Spoilers everywhere.
    2) A lot of the Haruun Kal Arc kinda acts as a commentary/etc on it? So reading one back to back with the other actually would be an interesting experience, just like I wrote the updates/arc while also rereading Shatterpoint.
    Yeah, I was kinda farting that feeling, thanks for the advice
    Any chance you could look over the Qaf Discord sometime this week? We could use your input.
    I'll try to get to it but this weeks pretty busy. Trying to get back into writing
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