Arthur Frayn

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  • I just recently saw Zardoz for the first time and must now congratulate you on your excellent taste in online persona.
    Arthur Frayn
    Arthur Frayn
    I know I'm getting older because I used to think it was some absolute nonsense and now I'm like "Damn what if God really is in show business..."
    I didn't notice the update to your pronouns until just now but that's really cool that you discovered that about yourself, congrats! ^^
    Posts 2081 and 2086. Now leave me alone.
    Arthur Frayn
    Arthur Frayn
    "I don't like lore changes" isn't really an explanation of how you think fiction works but lol, sure, whatever
    Hey honestly, the points you make in N&P are really insightful and some in particular are actually very reassuring, a pretty nice thing to have at a time when it's way too easy to get sucked up into doom and gloom, so really, thank you, because I needed some of that.
    What do you meant by saying Tony Stark and Quill was a 12 year old's idea of a sexually promiscious character?
    For the record, I don't think how Kaiya treated you was remotely fair, appropriate, or justified in the slightest. You're a thoroughly conscientious and thoughtful person. So I have no doubt that you'll come up with some really great stuff when you start producing more media!

    Sorry you got the scorn heaped upon you that you did, but I think it says a lot more about the person doing it than it does about you.
    Yo, Italy here.

    Got a steam account? There's a few things I would like to discuss with you.
    Arthur Frayn
    Arthur Frayn
    Fiendish Dr. Wu
    Added you! I suspect you and Germany have been speaking.
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