• Hey there. I was going through old suggestions I made to other people a few years ago and I ended up rereading The Waifu. It was really fun and put me in mind of the RtD subforum on Bay12. I'd like if you rebooted or continued it but it's not really necessary.
    The Froggy Ninja
    The Froggy Ninja
    Also, about your Warhammer/Worm-CYOA fic. The CYOA Eidolon power grants five slots. The canon Eidolon has four, it's just that one is taken up by endbringers. Why does the MC only have three?
    Heya, I just stumbled over your Pokemon Rancher quest and was wondering if there's any chance of it being continued/rebooted.
    Rebooted, probably, continued... less so. The problem I had with it is that I didn't prepare myself for the sheer amount of numbers I had to juggle (and that's a problem with many CK2 style quests). I'm currently running another quest on SB called Cacophony, and after I finish that one I'll hold a vote what to do next. Rebooting one of my past quests is going to be one of the options.
    Good day to you, sir. If you don't mind me asking, where is your avatar from?
    Google images. Heh.
    You're probably asking because she's gorgeous yeah? Don't blame yah. I have a crush on her myself. Her name is Sojin Park. Google it. She's adorable to the point of inducing heart attacks.
    Grey Rook
    Grey Rook
    I see. Thank you.

    And yes, I did ask because she's cute. :)
    Should be somewhat up my alley then. I enjoyed Requiem for a Dream, very though provoking. You saw it that young? Haha, oh man must have been a doozy.
    Ah man, after your explanation of Nemo's powers and the person he was based off of, my curiosity was tickled.
    Checked out the wiki page for Mr. Nobody and I have to say, very intriguing. Actually DL'ing it now to watch XD
    I loved it, but it is a very experimental movie, some people will hate it I suppose. Requiem for a dream was even worse in that regard, and I saw that one when I was 12 I think.
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