• So I was looking around for other stories of yours in other places and on TtH I can only see the single oneshot. Do I need to make an account to see the rest or am I doing something wrong? Also is there anywhere else I should be looking other than FF and TtH?
    Just these three. Anytime it is an option, I cap the age filter at the highest setting for anything that isn't finished. The muse is sometimes a bit crazy, and I tend to plot a bit as I go. That is why they hide from you.

    That being said, everything of mine on TtH aside from that one shot is also here. And the versions here are better. Thanks for reading!
    Ah that's alright then. I've never been too interested in oneshots so I'll probably skip it.

    I suppose in thanks for your answer I'll even go over my thoughts on your stories. Nevermind apparently it was still too long. So if you want the reviews I can PM you them. They're pretty sure but not 420 characters short)
    That would be your call, of course. However? I will say that feedback is, generally speaking, the cheapest way to keep an author writing.
    Based on your last post in MaC if you do leave SV for SB can you post that somewhere?
    If I do, I will. But I'm not in any hurry.
    Give it a few months and I may repost the thing and continue it somewhere else. No promises. But I won't rule it out.
    Dang. Wasn't expecting a thread lock as I rarely comment/read other non thread mark posts. I hope this doesn't get you down as I love your work specially the Vegas story and I've read all your buffy stuff more than once's. Hopefully this doesn't drive you away from writing fanfics as you are quite good imo
    Oh awesome! I'm going to have to go back and reread it! Any idea when it'll start updating again?
    Within the week, hopefully. My life has gotten fairly complex for reasons of family ridiculousness, so I can't really lock it down better than that.
    I can understand that, I hope everything's okay over there!
    I'm really sorry to see MaC getting abandoned, but I absolutely see your reasoning for it. I just wish another option could've been found.

    Apologies if I seem to be rambling a bit, I'm a little bit not sober ATM.
    Been there, done that. Try not to get yourself in trouble before you sober up, a couple of people managed to piss off the mods trying to go to bat for me and frankly that hurt me more than the original problem did.
    Take care, and thanks for the kind words.
    I don't blame you for dropping the story, honestly - But you DID miss an option; Avail yourself of the report/moderation function/features/requests.
    Well, I keep it to this, need to get control of my rambling mind.
    Hopefully, it has given you some ideas for the future.
    You really are spoiled for choice, in terms if replacing their ship, for a relative cheap price, that Xandificer can still wrap her mind about, in terms of working & construction.
    But it might require some reseach in terms of finding out what you want and can actually use.
    Heh, last one, what if the Savannah also was given some supplier abilities?
    If Xanderificer also tackled those three Des Moines class cruisers, then they would have a small fleet group.
    Perfect if you wanted to do a High School Fleet or Kancolle Collection and so on, style of cross-over event.
    Are the two Ted units named Ted & Lex?
    Datatroll, if you ever want to do a alternet of Xandificer, in terms of potential ship choices...
    There are quite a few nice ships in the US Naval Reserve Fleet(s), at the time the the Buffy-verse is set in, even a few repair ships, with all their tooling, still on board of them and with Ted bots......
    Well, look down to the earlier post.
    Say Datatroll have you ever thought on having just Xander, from your Xandificer stories, with her golems, dropt in another setting?
    Like say movie verse Transformers?

    Also, look up the USS Salem, it's a nice ship class, only one left now, but at the time this story played out, mothball or museum ships, all three of them.
    I remember Ted, you know.
    Would also allow other types of crossovers as well.
    Was wondering if the Twin-souled gamers that are on this site is the "correct" version since you did mention editing in the very first post though it seems the ff.net one has more content?
    Sorry for the late response I forgot to check my main page for two months.

    Twinsouled Gamers has me running into walls with my muse. The stuff on FF.net and TtH has a sequence I've decided I don't like and have replaced and I suspect that I am going to knuckle under soon and rewrite the last few chapters removing Kochou from Terminator and swapping with Alyx Vance from Half-Life.
    I am apparently not the kind of writer that can pull that off doomed romance options, and every time I try I stumble around like a drunk penguin until my muse gives up and sulks in the corner for six months. Had a similar problem in Xandificer with the introduction of Tara. She's there now and I have absolutely no idea what the hell to do with her.
    Keep her shy and single? ;)
    I'm now current on all your stories posted here. I've quite enjoyed rereading what I previously had spotted elsewhere (and finding new parts to a couple of them). I look forward to wherever you may take your characters, and enjoy seeing you occasionally weave your stories together into some sort of shared multiverse.
    I just finished rereading Worm: Master and Commander. I was reminded that I enjoyed this story because you allow the heroes to be virtuous heroes.

    I was wondering if you are going return to writing the story some more.
    That's the plan, but I just spent a month moving over my other in-progress stories from TtH. Love the site, but their rules on staying Buffy-Centric were making my muse hard to work with and a little crazy.

    As for when? Honestly not sure. I have a few options to work on here though, so I'll keep busy. All I'll promise right now is that it isn't abandoned.
    Thank you for letting me know.
    Take your time in dealing with your other stories.

    I am looking forward to the next chapter.
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