I'm busy as HELL but my quests WILL return, if not this month than next. Right now I'm getting my dayjob set up to work constantly and am working on a tabletop game adaptation of I/O, please be patient with me.
Are you BlissAuthority on AO3? I found a user by that name who seems to be uploading your Isekai quest on there, and I don't know if it's you or not. I can send you a link if you need it.
Sorry for all the spam, but have you read Angel Moxie yet? It has long been one of my very favorite Sailor-Moon-supercluster stories, for reasons I have only just begun to fully appreciate.
Um. Would you be interested in being a second set of eyes on my D&D epic? It's kinda complicated and quite far from complete, but I'd love to share what I've got with someone who'd understand it without much reading-in.
Hi! I like your Tumblr. I don't know if I'll enjoy your Quest, but I figure I might as well follow you here as well - this place is closer to home for me.