Talia B

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  • Knocked out by a nasty cold. Both I/O and Children's Crusade will update ASAP, which may be next week.
    I'm busy as HELL but my quests WILL return, if not this month than next. Right now I'm getting my dayjob set up to work constantly and am working on a tabletop game adaptation of I/O, please be patient with me.
    Are you BlissAuthority on AO3? I found a user by that name who seems to be uploading your Isekai quest on there, and I don't know if it's you or not. I can send you a link if you need it.
    Talia B
    Talia B
    Yep, that's me. I even reference the quest in my authors notes.
    Ah, good to hear. I just had noticed it sounded familiar and figured it couldn't hurt to check. Thanks for clarifying!
    So, if you don't mind me asking, where is your avatar from?
    Talia B
    Talia B
    She's the protagonist of my quest (and the stuff I was working on before I made it a Quest here); I had it commissioned by Bedsafely.
    Grey Rook
    Grey Rook
    I see. Thank you for your time.
    Sorry for all the spam, but have you read Angel Moxie yet? It has long been one of my very favorite Sailor-Moon-supercluster stories, for reasons I have only just begun to fully appreciate.
    Um. Would you be interested in being a second set of eyes on my D&D epic? It's kinda complicated and quite far from complete, but I'd love to share what I've got with someone who'd understand it without much reading-in.
    Hi! I like your Tumblr. I don't know if I'll enjoy your Quest, but I figure I might as well follow you here as well - this place is closer to home for me.
    Talia B
    Talia B
    Would you believe I'll actually go into that in the Quest? I agree it's only a useful term in retrospect.
    I certainly would - you seem pretty sharp.
    Do you go into other terminology debate? I identify as Christian first and foremost, and for me a big part of that is making sure my words are accurate - it's why I try not to discuss 'gender' unless I can address the term itself.
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