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  • Say, speaking of Quests, can I ask what's the status on Path to Power and Ninja of the Leaf? Dead, or merely on Hiatus? Because I really enjoyed those two.
    Hiatus, which I will hopefully be ending soon. I stopped writing because I lost all willpower and motivation to do... well, pretty much anything at all, to be honest, let alone run quests. I'm largely over it now, but I'm still wary of trying to push myself and get back into them.
    Ah. Yeah, I know -exactly- what that's like. Glad you're feeling better, now, and good luck continuing to get better. Take things as slow as you need to take them, as long as you keep at it and don't lose sight of the end goal.
    If you don't mind me asking, are/were you playing Akua Shuzen in Protean Starlight?
    Silvan Eldar
    Silvan Eldar
    *Shuffles around awkwardly*
    Could I perhaps see it, whenever it's convenient for you?

    I mostly want to compare it with a (poorly written) one I made a while back.
    Sure. Just gimme a minute to find it- though I refuse to guarantee it's any better than yours is. :p
    Ich bin ein bisschen betrunken! So please disregard (or take with a pinch of salt) any posts I make for the next few hours. :)
    So, is Tatsuki Goes Kubo dead?
    Not dead, but waiting until I have the inspiration to write it again. Same as OtherQuest or MoM.
    Ardion Prosili
    Ardion Prosili
    Perhaps a different inspiration source is required? I recommend Street Fighter, SNK, and the like. Because its perfect : P < 3
    So, it's entirely possible that I will move my quests from SB to here in the near future. Depends on if the current server issues get fixed.
    The near future might be already here. Looks like SB is going to having some issues for a few days.
    Holy crap, I was just looking through the 'Our World' Dresden RPG book, and just noticed Magog(the demon Gorilla Denarian) is rated at Mythic Strength, Supernatural Toughness, Supernatural Recovery, Inhuman Speed. No wonder the Archive didn't even try to stop him directly.
    I'm not saying that he wasn't impressive already, just that one-shotting Magog in light of that makes him even more so (with a spell that's painless and turns his body to flowers, to boot).

    Hmm... Eldest Gruff versus Shagnasty. Who wins? My money's on the Gruff, personally, but what do you think?
    Gruff. Unless Shagnasty cheats and brings a shit-ton of cold iron to the table or something, in which case I suppose he could pull a win through the much easier to access weaknesses of Fae. Eldest Gruff is also supposed to have all the powers of Tiny save size by the RPG(Supernatural strength and Toughness, Inhuman Recovery, and his magical abilities are stated as equal to the Senior Council members.
    Akua's speed got nerfed to 4/5 times normal human, while Shagnasty got stated up as having E-Rank Servant speed, which means 10 times. Am I faster than you..? I'm assuming yes, but just wondering.
    On that note, you can sort the monster gathering by "How reliant on magic are they" with Akua being the physically focused with some magic, you being the middle ground and me being the most reliant on magic. At least that's how I see it. Though I suppose I can compensate for that by summoning Infernals and Doomguards.
    I suppose so.

    ...Does Grue's thing about there being no T-Rex fossils in any of Brockton Bay's museums still stand? Because I think I could convince NSMS to be my drummer.
    I dunno... What would that entail if there were?
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