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  • Happy Birthday!
    Thank you again!

    How do you keep remembering to do this? Can you set a "birthday watch" on a user?
    Shadow Archon
    Shadow Archon
    You're welcome!

    Memory has nothing to do with it. My memory, unfortunately, sucks. I just say happy birthday to everyone on the member's list everyday!
    Welcome to SV! Did you seriously marathon Ersatz?
    Yes, I marathoned, Ersatz. And adflingo, and meow quest, and crossbreed priscilla (yes, all 6 threads), and renascence quest, and mami quest (both threads), and cacophony, and a couple of other less long lived quests.
    Working my way through "through the stars".
    Yea...I was lurking without an account for a little less than a month before I posted.
    And yea, I did just recently rediscover PMMM. :p
    Oh, and made it to about part way through witch quest until the joker witch/whatever freed and kidnapped Homura, at which point I felt the QM was being a bit too much of a "jerk QM" for my tastes (sad, it was really good until then too). (
    *Jerk QM as in a "lol, disproportionate punishment for minor mistake with little to no warning that it could happen", not "legit, rude, borderline anti-social behavior" jerk.
    Ah, I see.
    Well, hope you like the ride my Quests have been so far.
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