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  • Any plans on ever revisiting the ideas behind the Verse?

    Would have wanted to see the Heroic Henchman in action, if you happen to remember the fella. :p
    Of course, I then notice the Verse-reboot made by that other fella. Sorry about that.
    Still ideas worth revisting, yours and mine. But my questing plans are leading elsewhere for the moment. DaLintyGuy is handling the reboot so it's up to him.
    Getting back in action. Questing muse rebooting. To reboot an old game or start anew? Hmm.
    Private Lee O'Malley
    Private Lee O'Malley
    HYPE ENGINES WARMING UP (Hm, why reboot than continuation? Feel like ya got in a rut with the current situation?)
    Sortof. But on the flip side, I don't want to give up on the characters we have developed so far. Maybe I will continue, just in a new thread and with some cleanup of gameplay mechanics.
    Private Lee O'Malley
    Private Lee O'Malley
    Well then don't forget to tell the rest of us when ya shift gears to a new thread, alright? And of course, best of luck to whatever you decide on doing.
    Just been trawling through the Quest Archive and I found your Remnant Fleet quest. Only just got into it, but when the anomaly was returning prime numbers, it returned 11 13 17.

    I doubt it was intentional, but there are two very interesting Biblical passages which fit the situation. I'm most certainly reading too much into it.
    The second is Chronicles 11: 13-17. It describes the Levites leaving their homelands to head to Judah and Jerusalem, becoming the beginning of something very large.
    As I said, I'm reading into this way more than I should, but it paints the anomaly in an interesting way.
    I did not intend ANY of that. But they really fit. Kudos.

    I may reboot one day. Not sure when, but I might.
    Ever get the feeling that the only way you can get around a Quest Writer's Block is to come up with a new Quest? I seem to have it bad.
    Gah, writers block. I hates it. Yet I cannot live without it. Maybe I need to run a new quest for a bit.
    I am wondering if I should try a quest solely about worldbuilding. No plot. Just worldbuilding.
    That's could be pretty interesting. It could work like you're just narrating the history of a city/nation/civilization in 50-100 year chunks. Then there comes a critical event where the decision or actions of one person will be pivotal (think Franz Ferdinand, or Hitler being told he's a shitty artist).
    The posters vote what happens, then you continue that narration, telling the consequences of that vote and how it affected the entire nation.

    It might seem like a nation-building quest, but the decisions are too broad and far-apart, and the voters can't actually tell what direction the nation takes, since the the consequences can be quite unpredictable.
    Hmm, that does sound like a good starting point for a quest concept. Thanks! I might seriously follow up on this.
    Deciding to begin setting up a Rise of Legends Steampunk dynasty quest. Lotta groundwork to do first.
    Spktr Alpha
    Spktr Alpha
    Hey how far are you? Done, nearly done, or still in preliminary?
    Tinker, tinker, tinker. Beginnings are such difficult things. The main difficulty is setting up the politics and neighbors. But I am working on it heedless.
    Sorry about being a bother (again) about this, but is SCIENCE!Quest V2 still a thing?
    Negative. After some review, I mishandled the game in a lot of ways, and I need to rework some mechanics from the bottom-up.

    I'm still in the nation quest business though. Shifting through my concepts to see which ones are the most workable in my new design plan.
    A pity, but not completely unexpected. Let me know if I can be of assistance.
    Standing Notice: I am always open to people copying/being inspired by my games. Just give me due credit and let me know you are trying.
    Soo... For my thing, since your quest is named Hero We Never Asked For... I'm kinda thinking my ripoff could be called Hero We Never Wanted. Or something to that end, since mentality is apparently altered by a character's chosen class, and no one wants IG mentality involved in their military.
    By all means, give it a try. I look forward to seeing your interpretation of my game.
    Just... Don't overestimate my competence when it comes to continuing things...
    Out of curiosity; what happened to your scifi quest about the refugee/remnant-fleet?
    On creative hiatus. I lost my drive, and I didn't want to half-ass the quest as it was. I'll continue or reboot it some day. But for now, I'm just needing to step away for a while.
    Mkay. Sorry to hear that. I didn't participate, but I found it fairly interesting to read.
    Having creativity issues. Updates to quests uncertain, I'm hitting serious writers block across the board.
    Sorry to hear that, but you already have a lot of quests on your plate so far. Maybe it's best you take a break. Perhaps try something different from a lot of quests to get your creative juices going later on. It would be cool to see a multiwinia quest on SV.
    Yeah, I think I'll try a hand at playing games instead of running them. But I also have more quests I want to run too. GAH, my muse is so fickle!
    Want to ask something about SCIENCE 2.0: We have [R&D Project: Hyperfusion Specialization (-20)] as a research option. What would happen if we put multiple [hyperfusion Specialization -20] in the research slots? Would we just get a single -20 added on to all of our dice results, or would we get -20 multiplied by the amount of times we multiplied [hyperfusion Specialization]?
    It would apply once to the whole project. But your likely to get a very "meh" result with more dice thrown at it.
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