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  • Is there any chance of the "daidalos" story being updated? Cause it is great, and good AI/SI stories are rare. Especially in the bsg universe.
    Maybe eventually. Unfortunately while I do still have some ideas for it I don't really seem to have time atm to do more than one story at a time.
    Hey how do you do? I just found your daidalos SI story and its amazing, so I really hope that you're still here and the story isn't abandonded or something because that would be quite a shame XD
    Still here yeah, and I am working on it!

    I have the bones of the chapter currently, but still need to flesh things out a bit before I'm happy with it.
    Derain VonHarken
    Well I wish you well. Earlier you said you have not posted the debriefing of doom because you could not get it right


    Have it explained to the two frakheads who plugged daidalos back in. So they know how bad the situation is and thus how doomed they are. Along with the friend on virgon, their superior officer, their pets and anyone in tangential proximity.
    Are you still writing your daedalus story? If so, then I'm looking forward to more.
    I am, real life stuff has just gotten in the way a little :)

    As I mentioned in Damnit Q, if a story dies I will put up an announcement, I'm well aware how annoying it is to find a story you like only to find it's just silently died lol.
    great to hear
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