• Question- who's your avatar?
    Abby Normal
    Abby Normal
    He's... kinda half an OC? He's a character me and a friend loosely based on a character named Qi Xi from the game Mahjong Souls, as filtered through said friend and mine's silly Naruto AU and also literally a dream i had once, which is where his name, Paul-Cordelia, came from :p
    (and the art is a commission from ZoeOneesama)
    Re-reading the ole Amber Age stuff?
    Abby Normal
    Abby Normal
    Yeah, i've got a couple ideas for mitigating that so far, but definitely still keeping an eye on it. First, sub-spirit level rank "apparition" that's got way simpler character sheet and action choices. Second, divine kids both much more costly (in particular legend cost), and are one rank below you (so until you rank up, you're producing apparitions that are much simpler to deal with).
    Abby Normal
    Abby Normal
    Third, make it harder for kids (demispirits and apparitions alike) to ascend after th first couple.

    Ughh, 420 character limit is annoying :/ If you want, you can PM me and i can share more of my changes, though for now i mostly just have separate overhauls of individual systems, without having put it all together yet.
    Abby Normal
    Abby Normal
    And yeah, the report button is far too much "in the same place as reply is on facebook comments"; i've never actually hit submit on it, but i've written most of a comment in the report box without realizing it, yeah :/
    Could you start CCing me on PoC your analysis posts? I enjoy reading them, but sometimes they get buried and I miss them.
    Blaaaaaargh, soooo does that make this about fourty hours for the threadlock?
    Absolutely! I never participated in Amber Age, but playtesting something I am basically blind in sounds like fun and a good test for you.
    Abby Normal
    Abby Normal
    Awesome :) This is like the third or fourth time i've started picking at my incomplete mechanics word doc, so don't expect anything any time soon, but on the off chance i have the time and motivation to get the system settled i'll keep you on my list of people to ask to playtest =3
    Coolio. As to your first questions about site traffic I'm not sure. In terms of posts made per minute, yeah it's a statistically significant amount less. I'd think that other threads are getting more traffic. I frequently see people from PoC in other places.
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