• It might be time to update your signature when it advertises two fics as "active", and they haven't been updated in years.
    You're right, I totally forgot about the signature.
    Your stuff is great. I hope we get some updates. Will you every pick up your old stuff again like the civ quest?
    Ancient Scholar
    Ancient Scholar
    Who needs a social life? I don't.

    Take bathroom breaks. Long bathroom breaks where you sit on the toilet and write. No one can bother you if you are in the bathroom.
    Ancient Scholar
    Ancient Scholar
    Anyway. I know that actual writing takes a lot of dedicated time but do you at least have the plans worked out? When I get an idea I usually try to go through it and flesh it out in my head. Step by step picturing events and thinking of alternatives until I eventually get something I like.
    Ancient Scholar
    Ancient Scholar
    Unfortunately I suffer from procrastination so I don't usually write my ideas down except for maybe a few notes to refresh it later. Though there was that one time that I wrote an omake while I was walking to work. You can try typing a few sentences everyday on your phone. Even if its just a rough draft it will cut down on time and you can pump out a quest chapter in around an hour.
    Hey, long time not heard of you, hope you are alright.
    Yeah, busy at work. Also caught something recently so not 100%, but when I get better might start writing here again.
    Heaven Canceler
    Heaven Canceler
    Ah, then I hope you get well soon^^ And wish you a fun weekend.
    thx for writing Nomad (Warhammer Fantasy SI) liked reading it
    poor him picking up more people along the way :D
    Hello? I assume you are still busy?
    Things are getting a bit easier. I started a quest on SB for now to get back into writing, you can check it out over there. I'll get back to CHACG after I can get back into routine. And hopefully get a co-gm.
    You alright, haven't heard anything of you?
    I'm ok, just swamped at work. I'll update the quest either end of this week or beginning of next.

    Also, seriously starting to consider doing Patreon.
    Heaven Canceler
    Heaven Canceler
    Looking forward to it whenever you have time^^
    Hey Golum, just wondered, do you have a google account? I started playing around with google docs and it has a great option for collaborative writing. (Just take the share link and use the middle option where the link allows only commenting, then you can track and easily undo any changes from tolls^^)
    Hey Golum936
    Saw that you liked my post.
    My idea was the players a the Gods of darkness trying to defend and lead the "evil" races from the gods of light and "good" races.
    That's not a bad idea actually, could be pretty interesting if done right.
    Yeah it could. Maybe you could take it up as a future quest because I don't think I could do it justice
    Not for a while, I'm really busy at work and writing here doesn't pay. I've actually been thinking of doing Patreon because I want to dedicate more time to writing in general.
    Hey Golum, how are you doing?
    Doing good, schedule is opening up a little bit. I'm actually thinking of opening the quest again soon. But it will probably be a weekly thing for now because I can't monitor the whole thing every day by myself.
    Heaven Canceler
    Heaven Canceler
    Don't worry, take your time. No one is gonna rush you^^
    Heaven Canceler
    Heaven Canceler
    Oh, and have a nice weekend btw^^
    Are you too busy to do Cheating Hero currently?
    Heaven Canceler
    Heaven Canceler
    Ah I understand. Well, we will wait, the story is really good so I am looking forward to whenever things get better for you again^^

    Maybe think about a Patreon? I have no experience, but apparently it helps some fiction writers?
    I was thinking of that but I'm not sure my stories/quests are that popular. Though there is no harm in trying, I'll think about it.
    Heaven Canceler
    Heaven Canceler
    I don't know about the other two, not much of a Naruto or RWBY fan, but I really did like Cheating Hero (And never felt like there was a lack of interest/voters). So I will certainly come right back when you start again^^
    Hmmmm Golum do you have a map of the world in Cheating Hero Quest? It would be interesting to see a bit of the greater picture.
    I don't have one right now, I'm looking for a good map generator to help me with that. Or a person who's willing to draw it.
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