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  • If you don't mind, if it's okay...might I aks as regards your avatar, what is inside your egg? Is it a leaf? Thank you for your time.
    Just reread the aincrad live it's incredibly fulfilling. I was wondering if you had anything more on it up to fenrir ?
    I'm afraid not, sorry. (Also sorry for the late reply--I've been off SV for a while)
    Thanks for the likes on ENC there.
    It's pretty interesting so far.
    I kinda admit to having dropped it a bit too fast there, but I'd like to know what you think of it once you're done reading it, if you'd be willing to take the time there.
    College applications: not stressing me out as much as I might have thought, but still stressing me out way too much.
    Ha, you asked a specific question about the thread title...which ended up nerdsniping me into looking at the rest. ಠ_ಠ
    Oh I am slain!
    Oh I am slain!
    IMO, you should have started out by 1) describing the topic, 2) posting the HP article and saying you kinda agree, and 3) scatter-shot insulting a bunch of other YA books that SVers like.

    *That* would trigger a bunch of people to reply simply to say you're wrong. And in turn, the thread activity might help garner a few in-depth responses too. :D
    That would be pretty devious. It'd also prevent me from really engaging in the thread with my own opinions. :p

    But no, I totally appreciate the help.
    Nothing happens on my Alerts feed and then suddenly, precision cluster likes everywhere!

    This is by no means a complaint, I do love my ratings. Carry on good sir, and may your horse always be backwards and your tickets diamonds.
    Apparently, Hulu is missing fifteen episodes of ~monogatari that occur between the first and second season. I wish I had known that.
    So I just realized that my first reaction to coming across something new in CA is to figure out what @Ramenth thinks and go from there. O.o
    I'm flattered, but, that's a terrible plan unless it's about Real Estate.
    Sort of? On the one hand, I tend to find your perspective on things to be both well thought out and a good barometer/reality check.

    On the other hand, even if you're careful that can still end up causing problems, which is one of the reasons I was a little surprised to realize that I was doing it.

    It's going to be such a pain to retrain that behaviour. :(

    Thanks for the honesty though!
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