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  • Hi there, it cheered me up to see a new reader going through Persona: the Beautiful, especially since you read to the end! I was curious to ask if there was anything you wanted to say about it?
    Ooh okay, which one did you have in mind?
    The spirit ronin one? It looked like a lot of fun.
    Ah, you mean Mahou Ronin Sachiko? Yeah, it was a while ago but I remember having fun writing what I did of it, it's actually one I always meant to return to yet never got around to it. I have however written up new info for its setting, Himikoku, that does revise the world I wrote for the Quest (which I wanted to link but can't seem to here)
    Glad you like the Quest Kobalae (edit: and Onward to Providence). Kobalae actually is not dead but I've been needing to put it on the back burner while I get my schedule figured out.
    I hear you on that no worries! It was just a treat to stumble across your writing and get to read what you've done. I love how visualized everything is- layers and layers of deliberate meaning, but still dreamlike and almost beyond grasp; thank you!
    I feel like we've been butting heads a lot in DL lately, which bums me out, but I want to say that I love your rundown of the Roswita relationship and why it would work.
    Thank you! You are one of the people I most respect in that thread, so it is really nice to hear you say that. I'm sorry if I've been aggressive about things last few days, it's been a mood.
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