Sendicard Nov 5, 2017 To the lone cactus and its pet bird that are intensely waiting. The next chapter of Zero's Rogue is complete and just needs to be edited.
To the lone cactus and its pet bird that are intensely waiting. The next chapter of Zero's Rogue is complete and just needs to be edited.
Sendicard Aug 29, 2017 I want to create a website advertising myself as a paid Critic/Editor/Sounding board. Samples and all. Out of curiosity, what would you pay?
I want to create a website advertising myself as a paid Critic/Editor/Sounding board. Samples and all. Out of curiosity, what would you pay?
HoratioVonBecker Aug 28, 2017 Hey, you apparently have experience as a freelance unpaid editor/sounding board. How'd you get into that? And what are some of your favorite stories? (That you helped with or in general, either way.)
Hey, you apparently have experience as a freelance unpaid editor/sounding board. How'd you get into that? And what are some of your favorite stories? (That you helped with or in general, either way.)
Heaven Canceler Apr 25, 2017 That Disgaea quest of yours looks really interesting, you still continuing it?
Sendicard Jan 3, 2017 Current to do list: (Up to edits) 1.. NRW post 3; 2. NRW 'The Contract' Omake; 3. Zero's Rogue Update
Current to do list: (Up to edits) 1.. NRW post 3; 2. NRW 'The Contract' Omake; 3. Zero's Rogue Update
Sendicard Jun 20, 2016 RDQ is very much alive again. Though I suppose given it is a Quest about being Death, it can't really be alive...
RDQ is very much alive again. Though I suppose given it is a Quest about being Death, it can't really be alive...
Sendicard May 27, 2016 RDQ very suddenly died I guess XD. So I've been using my sudden time to advance one of my own projects, the FoZ OC test.
RDQ very suddenly died I guess XD. So I've been using my sudden time to advance one of my own projects, the FoZ OC test.
Sendicard May 1, 2016 With the contest over with, I have free time for RDA and AP(Poor AP) again! So expect more prompt updates.
With the contest over with, I have free time for RDA and AP(Poor AP) again! So expect more prompt updates.
Sendicard Apr 30, 2016 So I was late with my submission due to timezone reasons. My post was decidedly placed in RDQ for any who desperately want to see it for lul
So I was late with my submission due to timezone reasons. My post was decidedly placed in RDQ for any who desperately want to see it for lul
Sendicard Apr 30, 2016 I finished in time, but the thread is locked for some reason. I have submitted it through PM, and am now worried about timezones.
I finished in time, but the thread is locked for some reason. I have submitted it through PM, and am now worried about timezones.
Sendicard Apr 30, 2016 I have to finish the April contest submission. It's almost done, but I fear it may be slightly late. Oh well... I'll send it in regardless.
I have to finish the April contest submission. It's almost done, but I fear it may be slightly late. Oh well... I'll send it in regardless.
Sendicard Apr 27, 2016 Gotta update RDQ, work on AP,(after 20 days, *sheepish)and then finish my April contest submission. Operation busy week is a go!
Gotta update RDQ, work on AP,(after 20 days, *sheepish)and then finish my April contest submission. Operation busy week is a go!