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  • I gotta say, From Exclusion to Fantastic Zones really fills that one niche that every other GATE fic fails to do. It actually emphasizes individual reactions to the different worlds instead of just being another curbstomp and the character interaction is great. To top it all off, it's a stalker crossover that nails the setting and tone of the series. It's some real kino stuff dude.
    Your writing for From Exclusion to Fantastic Zones is really solid. I enjoy the measured pace the story has taken especially.
    Seeing the slow build up as things within the exclusion zone change is a lot of fun for me.
    I also think you do a great job conveying the feeling of the stalker games in a written form, your knowledge of the games setting really shows through here.
    I recently found Exclusion Zone to Fantastic Zone, and I'd just like to say that I had an absolutely fantastic time - I loved STALKER to death, and while the pacing has been slow, I deeply enjoyed my time in your quest, and hope that you're able to come back to it regularly again.
    Just got to reading Exclusion Zone to Fatnastic Zone. Am horribly amused by the stealthy Roadside Picnic.
    i need to catch up on get out of here stalker quest, but also delusion dancing dragon when
    When I work out how to deal with executive function problems as well as stop guilting myself for how long its been for something that just needs to be updated, not needs to be updated with the most massive quality update of all time to excuse a hiatus which cant really be excused.

    So basically when any fic gets updated.
    seems legit
    Ever thought about redoing your dolos quest.
    You can ask other GM's for help ya know.
    Never could figure out who was best to ask, normally a bit of an introvert.

    Edit: Also, bit slow in general today, got the hangover from hell from the Presidential Debates.
    Playing as the middle east federation you can bring any mecha. Mobile suit, Wanzers, or any kind that does not require a super mcguffen to work.
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