wdango Dec 17, 2014 I stole your inventory idea. Palette Swap now has an inventory with item images for Blue.
TheBleachDoctor Nov 8, 2014 Even though it was your post that started that whole [Redacted] thing, it was AuraTwilight's post that brought the Mods back.
Even though it was your post that started that whole [Redacted] thing, it was AuraTwilight's post that brought the Mods back.
Crow Oct 27, 2014 There is dis http://fuwanovel.org/novels/umineko-no-naku-koro-ni-1-4-ps3-sprites-voices
Crow Oct 25, 2014 Aera~ sorry if this sounds rude but you should get a beta, it would make your writing even better!
Aeraxis Oct 23, 2014 Knowledge is as essential to games as it is deadly.It is the difference between a new puzzle and one that has been replayed countless times.
Knowledge is as essential to games as it is deadly.It is the difference between a new puzzle and one that has been replayed countless times.