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  • Out of curiosity, what is the vehicle in your profile image, and where is it from?
    It's fan art of a Bolo tank from the series with the same name.
    Drops massive amounts of supplies and infrastructure at your location.

    "Gotta love it when logistics and support can act unhindered. Feel free to ask for anything else."
    (doing this here to avoid derails on the thread)
    (Sighs, resets Days Without Arguing Over TLJ counter)
    A crappy megacrossover I've vowed to post at least the first chapter of by the end of the year. Some Original fiction I waffle back and forth on where I want to post it here or hang onto it. A half a dozen odd game ideas that'll either never happen or sputter out within a week because I'm a terrible gm. That sort of thing.
    What's the big crossover one?
    I'd rather not say until I get around to posting it, honestly. If I talked about it, people would call me nuts and rightfully try to talk me out of it.
    Are you sure you have the time to post for TCB, or have you lost interest or...? I haven't even seen you in the OOC for a week.
    I'm still prepping myself mentally in a way to 'dive in' to getting caught up on SB. I wanted to do it this weekend, but ended up having to help my family out with their trip, but with my sister's camp ending I'll be able to have enough time that I should be able to get caught up within the next three days.
    Also, Discord was doing that annoying thing where it doesn't show new replies again, so I had assumed their was no activity again. My mistake.
    Happy Birthday! *hands you sword*

    Now go conquer Constantinople, big boy.
    Thanks, but I'm leading an Armored platoon accross the Rhine today.

    Can we reschedule the Constantinople thing for next week? Maybe Monday?

    It would have to be over quickly though, Tuesday I'm helping Tommy Wiseau firebomb Rome.
    Do you still exist in SV vs. TCB?
    I thought I was currently on guard outside the sub while waiting for the people inside to do their stuff?
    I'd recommend talking to Cyreni or asking for a prompt. We're sort of falling into a "reduce workload by reducing character" situation.
    Just noticed you have the Rule the Stars links in your sig. Could've saved me a ton of effort.
    Also on the side of good news I turned on my other tablet yesterday and found my IC post in its saved tabs...or at least the early version of it.
    Still saves me a hour if not more at least.
    It always confuses me for a moment whenever I get an alert that you liked on of my posts, because you have the same avatar as Brellin, and me and him don't really get along.
    On a related note, thanks for liking my posts. :)
    It's nice to know that someone is as confused by Brellin as I am.
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