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  • Saw you caught a ban for vote posting and wanted to make you were doing alright. It was admirable, given the situation here.
    Hey! Is your profile picture Bismarck wearing a Bismarck Tshirt? Bismarckception! :V

    May I please have the source of the image? Thank you!
    I've heard the first few parts of it, I think it's about an Irish soldier if I recall. I wanna hear the rest of it now.
    Oh mate, you will not be disappointed.

    This is about the British lad who, after having fought in World War One from 1915 to 1918, wrote "Frankly I had enjoyed the war" after losing his eye and hand! Song is enjoyable, and I have it on repeat for the past two hours or so :D
    Just finished listening to it.

    Man, I gotta invest in some glute padding, because every Sabaton song I've heard kicks ass. :coolbeans:
    Commenting here since I'm threadbanned from PMAS proper still, but...
    You know you don't need to have a disorder to see a psychologist, yeah? It's no more wasting their time to see them like that than it is to get a physical from a GP.
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