Comrade Future

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  • As a Russian what do you think would have actually happened if the National Salvation Front won?
    Comrade Future
    Comrade Future
    If you mean the "October Putsch", then the Front would at best simply support Rutskoy and Khasbulatov, but would most likely fall apart. They would most likely continue privatization, but in the Keysinian vein.
    So no nuclear destruction of Russia at least.
    Any recs for stuff from your side of the internet? Interesting in looking into it and I trust your opinions
    Wow, I found another Ririka fan in the wild! This doesn't happen much. Usually, when I mention Nurse Angel Ririka SOS by name, people tell me that it sounds like an adult VN, which is honestly kinda sad
    Comrade Future
    Comrade Future
    Well, not that I'm an outspoken fan, but I watched it (subs) and really appreciate it for the 90's shoujo vibes
    Hello! I think we met before. What brings you to the English side of the Internet?
    Comrade Future
    Comrade Future
    There are many reasons - first of all, it is easier to find information here, besides, I'm interested in Western pop culture. In addition, it is useful to have a place where I can ask foreigners - since the Russian media ... are very, very biased.
    Comrade Future
    Comrade Future
    Although it is sometimes hard here
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