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  • I've got to ask: Why do you consistently write her name as "Taelor"? Is it a find-and-replace thing or something? A preference? I'm just curious here, as I've always seen it written as "Taylor". Not trying to judge, honestly curious.
    I actually trip up on this while writing. It's a weird way to write the name. But I think it's also kind of neat, and builds a Meta narrative.
    Just wait till I get to Vicky, she doesn't have her aura to worry about. But that doesn't mean she's without issues. Sure Amy's more stable without it bludgeoning her. But there's a reason Vicky's leaning into the airhead... well into Bim!Vicky. And it surprised me how dark it is.
    Thank you! I figured it was probably something like that. I'm really enjoying the stuff!
    I'm sad Project Genom died, and apparently, with it, the fic. But I found it in my bookmarks again - And wanted to thank you for what we got.
    Your new fiction is great! Keep up the good work<3
    I still adore Exiled blade, but I understand better than most not being able to get back into the right headspace for a specific story, so no worries if you never get back to it.
    Yeah, it's part that... and well, what GW has done. I've stepped away from 40k because it's getting to be... dumb. :(
    That's… 1000% fair tbh. I haven't really read any of GWs stuff since… battlefleet gothic armada 2 came out? About there. Not surprised they went off the deep end at all though :/
    Just rereading firmament. Amazing work.
    Hope things are going well for you.
    Also added going through the rest of your work to my backlog.
    Thanks, not sure if I can continue Firmerment. But I have been working on a few things.
    So, I haven't posted anything in a while. That in mind, let me say this. Work sucks. Now, The Exiled Blade is not dead, but I'm not picking it back up yet. I'm working on something now, but I've been working on it for the last few months... so yeah.
    Other things I'm looking at; Rewrite of [Warlock], [With Class], and maybe [I, or how I learned to Angel]. If people want to weigh in on what they would like me to rewrite, I would like to hear it. But for now, I'm writing something that is Jumpchain adjacent. Not going to post it though until I have it more nailed down.

    And thanks for caring.
    Wish you could continue it -- surely you have some ideas? Anything from what happens when Eidolon loses his power (could set off all the EBs, or make them go dormant, or heck, they might turn helpful!) to a Coil interlude or Lisa's snake-removal plans... Could show Coil the multiverse and all the scary things in it...
    The joke in Nomad about calling the Vasil family the Mercers cracked me up. It fits oddly well, even aside from the fact that the first names actually match...
    FUCK! I have a job now. I work Dairy at a Walmart. Fun times. Fun Times.
    From an ex-Walmart Frozen/Dairy Associate then Cashier, You have my condolences. My advice is to lock in your hours availability so you work a consistent shift, they WILL have you work until close one night then have you scheduled to come in at open the next day if you don't.
    Any chance of continuing your Eldar Rogue Trader story? I really enjoyed it after stumbling into it by accident.
    It's not dead, just sleeping. But unfortunately, will remain sleeping until my Muse wants me to work on 40k stuff again.
    just found naval supremacy ... Loved it hope it'll get continued some day
    Thank you for the support, but it is unlikely, but a Rewrite isn't out of the question. Just not anytime soon, not with The Exiled Blade being alive and going strong.
    I'm gonna ask but I think I already know the answer is An Elder Machine [Commander SI] dead?
    Mostly and probably. My co-author got a bad case of life... and yeah.
    Hey, people. So, I have a Snip thread and a fic going on QQ. Be warned they are in the [NSFW] area. Look for Fate/Awakening. Hope you enjoy.
    Hey sorry to bother you, but what's the status of your story Valkyrie.
    Note actually sure. I'll see about figuring that out later.
    Yeah, it's pretty dead. I have other things I'd rather work on than a necromatic ritual for it right now.
    God of Wolves
    God of Wolves
    Thanks for telling me.
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