• Please can we get a new chapter from walk on the moon.

    I wanna see what Rei does next now that she is finally a genin
    Yes, its almost been three years--I really would love to see a new chapter.
    I just read Apprenticed in Snark and Magic, it's very good. The world needs more Dresden Files fanfiction.
    will we get a walk on the moon chapter soon cuz i am dying to know what happens next. The story is in very interesting point right now were if u dont do a time skip u have a whole year were we can see how Guy trains his genin.

    Would they go on a C rank mission outside the village and how will rei react to getting a small taste of the outside world
    Hey, I just wanted to say that I have followed several over your stories across various sites and have really enjoyed them. I hope that you continue to write and finish them at some point.
    Mou, I really hope you're okay and will return to write once more. Just reread your Apprenticed In Snark and Magic and was lamenting it's dead-ness.
    Your stories are amazing and I wish people wouldn't be so hard on you. Not a lot of people are willing to go in the direction you are and I want to see what happens.

    Best of luck and Merry Christmas!
    Are you ever going to start "Reluctantly Evil" back up. I've binged read all ten chapters posted so far, and then to be left on that type of cliffhanger. I need to know what happens.
    Hopefully you come back to it and finish it.
    "I'm going to make Tattletale my girlfriend."
    When are you going to make that dream a reality?
    Hey 6p, just saw your suspension in one of your stories. I enjoy your naruto fic and if you move it to another thread i was hoping you could let me know where you moved it to. Your writing one of the better naruto stories ive read.
    Say... have you considered creating an archive of Walk on the Moon on Fanfiction.net? Just asking because, IMO, fanfiction has a wider base of Naruto fic fans than SFV or SB. I just figure as an author you'd like the idea of reaching more people with your writing, especially since Walk on the Moon is one of the best Naruto fics I've read, and I read a lot of them.
    Already done. The profile name on ff.net is the same as here, SixPerfections.
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