Camellia Dec 27, 2023 TIL drawing on a tablet is actually a lot nicer than drawing on a phone? I knew it would be better, but I thought it just would be because of the screen size...
TIL drawing on a tablet is actually a lot nicer than drawing on a phone? I knew it would be better, but I thought it just would be because of the screen size...
Pathetic King Apr 20, 2018 Yo, I'll take some of those yaoi fanfic recommendations, you mentioned yesterday.
Usernames Oct 22, 2017 Hey...did you pick your reward?
defenestrator Oct 10, 2017 Just wanted to say that your FGO sketches were really good, but your Christoph sketch shows some pretty big improvements on your skills.
Just wanted to say that your FGO sketches were really good, but your Christoph sketch shows some pretty big improvements on your skills.
S S Scorpion 3-² Sep 18, 2017 Hey just wanted to let you know that all of your art in the Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest got deleted by your hosting site.
Hey just wanted to let you know that all of your art in the Battle Action Harem Highschool Side Character Quest got deleted by your hosting site.
Camellia Jun 15, 2016 Huah... been thinking about making my own quest, but it seems like it'd be a lot of work...
Camellia May 26, 2016 Holy shit, Tamiko's dress is tedious work. Already ran out of ink in one pen trying to fill it in.
Zedalb Apr 23, 2016 Got commissions set up yet? I was interested in doing something patron like where I'd regularly pay for you to illustrate what you felt like in an rp or quest I plan to run.
Got commissions set up yet? I was interested in doing something patron like where I'd regularly pay for you to illustrate what you felt like in an rp or quest I plan to run.
Oh I am slain! Apr 20, 2016 Profile pic: Aww, what an adorable mafia-boss bunny! Her eyes stare into the souls of her minions.