• Happy Birthday!
    Shadow Archon
    Shadow Archon
    To be fair, in my time zone, CST, it was July 3rd 9:39 AM. Since you're in Australia, the only way I'm wishing a birthday correctly on your time is if I do so either at midnight or six in the morning. :p

    You're welcome! Thank you!
    Pyro Hawk
    Pyro Hawk
    I mean, you missed it by less than an hour so...
    Shadow Archon
    Shadow Archon
    Ah! Well then I just have to do it first thing on July 3rds then!
    So, if you don't mind me asking, where is your avatar from?
    Pyro Hawk
    Pyro Hawk
    Renu's Art Thread. I'd never picked an avatar before because there wasn't anything that really jumped out at me as 'this is me'. So I just didn't bother with it when a default avatar was fine. But last year I finally decided enough was enough and commissioned Renu to draw a character for me that was something I always loved. Namely a Kitsune with a Phoenix.

    Definitely worth the money.
    Grey Rook
    Grey Rook
    I see. Thank you for your time.
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