Queen Fiona

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  • Just to make it official, I don't spend time here anymore. For now, I'll keep posting and updating my stories here (the ones I can, anyway), and maybe following those of friends; other than that, you should probably find me and my writing elsewhere - like my AO3 page or other, more questionable ones.
    To dying men, to all of their good women
    To dying girls, to all of their boyfriends
    To dying men, to all of their women
    To all our loved ones peace we will protect
    Currently going through further IRL struggles, including a big health scare. New writing will come when it comes, I'm afraid.
    I'll be taking a vacation soon to recuperate from two years of COVID Hell and escape the truckers happily occupying most of downtown Ottawa.
    Queen Fiona
    Queen Fiona
    I'll be bringing lots of hardware and a direct connection to my home network, so writing isn't impossible to happen. Still, don't expect anything significant until afterward.

    I look forward to seeing my buddy again, though.
    Queen Fiona
    Queen Fiona
    She's my oldest friend, and she came out as trans last year. We haven't been able to see each other since, and I hope it goes well.
    It's been awhile since you posted on it's no game.
    Queen Fiona
    Queen Fiona
    Winter is harsh. I have some stuff planned for the new year (hinted at some of it on more questionable websites), but ask me after I survive Christmas.
    Good luck!
    Whenever Akane Shinjo's not on screen,
    all the other characters should be asking, "Where's Akane?"
    To anyone who might be reading my work: please reply to my threads, if you can! I'm posting my work here to have a conversation, you know?
    Queen Fiona
    Queen Fiona
    Without replies, all I have to go on are reactions, which are unreliable at best - reactions don't tell me why things are being enjoyed, or what the reason behind the reaction is. And if someone stops giving me reactions for whatever reason, I don't know if it's because they forgot or because they dislike the direction.
    Queen Fiona
    Queen Fiona
    Then there's follower counts - if a follower drops without saying anything, I have no idea why. I can't very well improve or address things if I don't know what they are.
    Queen Fiona
    Queen Fiona
    I realize it can be stressful and scary, and that this community can make responding to erotica difficult, but please - authors are people too!
    I really need to figure out how to ignore (sub)forums and threads. :|
    Queen Fiona
    Queen Fiona
    N&P and other political discussions around here - even ones containing people I agree with, which is more often than not - are pretty hazardous to my health, for a bunch of reasons.
    What I'm getting out of the picks of the month is that nothing you do matters unless your name has a blue box or something under it.
    Queen Fiona
    Queen Fiona
    I'm honestly pretty tempted to quit posting on SV entirely because I don't have much of an audience and besides Thelxiope, all it seems to do is make me upset.
    Server management is suffering. Webdev, Docker, VPS, self-hosting...and a bunch of things I'd love to do if my programming skills weren't dogshit.

    I mean I might be trying to learn a bit, but still, shit takes forever and it's annoying. :|
    Conundrum: how do people feel about quest updates with no votes? Or, if they hate them: how long an update is too long?
    Goddess free me from my suffering. :c
    Queen Fiona
    Queen Fiona
    Under any normal circumstances I'd have gone to the emergency room as my ears keep getting worse, but the region's hospitals are already having trouble delivering medical care...
    I thought I was having a bad day after certain off-forum events made me upset, but all things are forgiven.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I need to disappear for like, a week. :V
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