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  • Hey, about your post in my thread. I respect your decision, but could you note, PM, or even publicly state in greater detail what the problem was for your perspective? I'd like honest criticism to prevent this sort of thing from cropping up again.
    Basically I didn't like the whole 'hey awesome you got your body back and Homura is finally starting to progress as a person and have hope for the future ONLY NOT PSYCHE' kind of feeling. Sorry for just sort of slapping it down in a pithy post in your thread, that was kind of a dick move in retrospect.
    Well, hopefully you try giving it another chance. I honestly didn't expect people to bite what i thought was obvious bait so hard, but the situation is still reparable.

    In Sailor Moon, Tuxedo Mask has had his share of kidnappings, and it's still an optimistic setting, afterall.
    tbh that's more a flaw of the quest format in general. Wanting to shake someone yelling 'you fool!' is bad enough; wanting to do so to dozens of people in a thread is much worse.
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