In From the Hidden City, I hope you don't mind but I have to sleep soon and there won't be any time left, so, any chance I can convince you for something other than raiding for the reasons given by me and others in-thread,
Hey Argenten, hope things are going well, or will improve if not. Also I was triple checking (because I already checked the thread) that you hadn't posted that omake recently, because I didn't want it to look like I wasn't following through on critique.
Hey Argenten, I've gone neutral in the vote so don't take any arguments you see I've made as my current stance, I'm just open to good arguments and thinking about the lord.
If you are interested, there's a very promising looking Asur quest by Blackout at the moment, as an exiled mercenary. We've set ourselves up as a swole Loremaster of Hoeth with a band of 11 Swordmasters, ten of which have been given backstories in omakes (one of which was by me)