• Hey started reading Vast Error. Ever heard of that?
    Dark Lord Bob
    Dark Lord Bob
    The only MSPA fan adventure I've read is A Beginner's Guide To The End Of The Universe.
    Muhkat Lomorki
    Muhkat Lomorki
    Should I read that? Also, I do think you should check out Vast Error. I've not gotten into it very far, but it seems pretty good.
    Dark Lord Bob
    Dark Lord Bob
    I enjoyed it. It's got nothing to do with any MSPA stuff, other than sharing a format, but iirc it had the same kind of snowballing ridiculousness.

    I'll have a look at Vast Error.
    Hello there, would you be interested in taking part in my Homestuck/40k crossover quest?
    Dark Lord Bob
    Dark Lord Bob
    I'll give it a look tomorrow. Having profile pics in the char-sheets tends to speak well of the effort invested in a quest.
    Hey, there've been a couple more updates in the Gardens. Hopefully you're still interested in participating.
    Dark Lord Bob
    Dark Lord Bob
    I might come back in a bit, but right now I've got a resolution to cut down my SV usage. Partially this is in preparation for starting uni, but also Alice and Caroline are sufficiently cooler than Art that reading them being cool evokes bitterness (that Ordinalism-class update! we could have been a brilliant Dragon!) rather than awe.
    Orm Embar
    Orm Embar
    Ah, fair enough. And yes, Alice especially is a painful glimpse at what could've been; Ordinalism is cool enough that it inspired me to write an omake centered on it. Rihaku has admitted that Arthur's personality is not yet fully-formed, though. He's mostly reacting to the shock of what happened to him; presumably he'll get more interesting once he develops goals of his own. Good luck at uni, man.
    In light of Rihaku's recent pronouncements about dwindling activity, your participation would definitely be appreciated. Even something as simple as just shooting the breeze in the thread could help stir the pot.
    Do you get that sinking feeling, when you've spent hours arguing and then people just... drop by and post blank votes, or votes with one line of reasoning that you refuted three pages ago? I hate that feeling.
    Dark Lord Bob
    Dark Lord Bob
    And an intense desire to post "Why? Given..." combined with the knowledge of such an action's futility? Yes.
    Orm Embar
    Orm Embar
    Yep, got it in one. Here's hoping this is one of the times when reason and rhetoric prevail in the face of the bandwagon. Nilul is just so obviously untrustworthy that it boggles the mind.
    ......You sure you werent taught by the Crimson Scholar?, cuz that speech you did in hero quest was badass,too bad we didnt win, but at the end of the prologue we could probably still make the Hero into a really capable swordsman right?!?.
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