• You know I'd kind of lost track of why I consider myself a Misanthrope pining down somewhat scientific definitions of the Wicked parts of some Sins. Thank you for writing A Little Vice and reminding me why I hate us all. It really has helped me keep a perspective on the world and what we are in it.
    Holy shit my dissertation draft is actually basically done (missing a short conclusion section)
    "At the risk of appearing a chimera of Goldilocks and Pangloss, I argue instead that the observed use of the network exhibits an order that is not to concentrated and not too chaotic, bur rather, if not 'just right,' at least...." Thanks Benkler, I cannot think of a time I have reacted to a metaphor with more intense or immediate cringe.
    if you think this is bad, give Bifo a try: Precarious Rhapsody is a great piece of work on the digital era's human effect, but good god, the guy stretches the language to its breaking point
    https://policyreview.info/concepts/filter-bubble huge fan of this. Bluntly, filter bubbles and echo chambers don't seem to exist, extremists are often incredibly exposed to mainstream discussion, and while individual communities are densely interconnected and highly homophilous, they aren't really isolated in the way that would matter for the notion of filter bubbles and/or echo chambers.
    We, as a country, engage in discourse with those with which we disagree to an unusally rare extent, but this is as easily shown to be driven by general behavioral patterns, geographical location and other offline behaviors as anything technological. It's cultural, though smaller than a lot suppose I think when talking about it, and the filter bubble nonsense detracts from worthwhile examination of these phenomena.
    More useful, and Bruns hints at it a few times, is the theory of general disillusionment with common 'centrist' media stances and discourse. Good read!
    Overall, I think it's an extremely underrated study, in that the measures it uses deserve a lot more attention (I copied a few from here for the SV user survey a bit ago).
    That said, illustrating how technological anonymity and anonymity as a perceptual state can have very opposite effects re: self-disclosure is actually quite interesting and throws a lot of complications into more mundane notions of online disinhibition.
    It's not easily available, dissertations aren't often that well cited in this field afaik, and I don't think Yun ever published this as a journal article (I'm not personally familiar, and they don't presently seem to be publishing, so they may have gone to industry, no clue whether this was a lack of interest on Yun's part, or the field may have really screwed this over.
    Hey man how come no matter how many times I click on them that post in it infractions that you gave me are marked unread on my notification thing it is annoying me
    The bell at the top at the website it is saying that I have two unread notifications and no matter how much I click on them they won't go away
    I'm sorry to say that I can't help with that. If it's still going on, you can ask a private question, or report your comment here for operations to look out.
    If it's still like that tomorrow I will contact someone about it
    The study has some weirdness though, finding no results on study 1, then using several different measures of anxiety and only finding any results on one of them, while also failing to really justify each measure on more than very thin grounds.
    More substantively, I'm not happy with how thinly they conceptualize anonymity. The notion of anonymity being provided by visual distinctiveness is quite interesting, but they don't really pull apart what that means or where they're drawing this from.
    Another mediating variable they miss is the role of identification. Downs, Bowman and Banks (2019) offer a very interesting conceptualization of identification that highlights how physical similarity may be a sufficient, but not necessary, condition to trigger feelings of identification. I wonder how this might play into the processes at work here.
    Here, I have corrected your political ideology options in the survey to accurately represent the views of the typical N&P user:

    I haven't even gotten around to writing my thesis, yet, let alone worrying about getting a job in academia, but good lord, I regret promising to take this year off after I finish my MA and not applying for GTA programmes now.
    Starting my big dive into the lit for my qualifying exams. I'm bored enough that I'm probably going to be posting some random thoughts here, not in the vain expectation anyone would want to or benefit from reading them, but because it just seems a bit fun to do and I hate Facebook enough that I'd rather do it here.
    "Roman Senator Cato the Elder concluded all of his speeches, independent of their substantive topic, with the phrase 'ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam': 'furthermore, I propose that Carthage is to be destroyed'. Today, social media researchers might similarly need to take to concluding their articles, papers, and presentations with a consistent call to action..."
    wow, that took a long time to happen I genuinely forgot about that thread and looking at the post dates that stopped after Friday it looks like everyone else did too.if I may ask, what was the reason that took so long?

    was it that it took that long till someone reported it or was your workload that bad that it took three days?
    Moderators are not employees, but volunteers who have real jobs, school, etc. A few days' delay is not unheard of in addressing reports. That said, my profile is not the best place to talk about the moderation process. If you have questions about how moderation works, AAPQ may be a good place to bring them up. If you want to have your infraction reexamined, you're welcome to do so in the appeals subforum.
    I kind of want a database to pre-register online sarcasm and parody. This solves the problem of post facto "it's just a joke" and allows wit
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