FaeGlade Plural

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  • Is Serafina still alive?
    I am somewhat slow in social aspects. It doesn't help that I read &era as "Etera" (as in "et cetera") and missed that it could be read as Sera.

    Sorry to bother you.
    FaeGlade Plural
    FaeGlade Plural
    Fair enough, that explains why you asked!
    Apologies, we didn't make the plural-connection. Plural questions are not a bother, this just didn't read as one.

    Yeah, Fina, the author of that, is still around.

    Also yes, what you describe is both possible.
    Thank you for answer, and I wish you both pleasant December.
    Nooo! Why is Divine Administration dead?! You were even planning another chapter when it shuffled off this mortal Coil too soon!
    What could have caused this sudden Split from reality? :D (Well, that WAS where you left off the story, so I had to make those puns)
    P.S. Can you add threadmarks to the unmarked sections of 1.3-1.4?
    He escaped, clearly. Pray, and provide the Most Righteous Serafina with the Ambrosia necessary to summon the servants needed to bring him to Justice!
    Hi Serafina, Sorry but I wasn't able to reply to you as I am having job problems. I got caught by quality assurance for a bad call and was put into a position where I may get fired. So i had to focus on my work so I don't get fired rather then in debates. Plus I don't log onto this site much.
    Space Penguin
    Space Penguin
    Anyway, I still don't have time to bother with debates so you can take this as my concession or concession be default. However it suits you. Take care.
    excuse me, but who is your current avatar?
    FaeGlade Plural
    FaeGlade Plural
    I'm amused because that was the first question on my profile, and the answer has stayed the same:
    Catleia from Advance Wars: Days of Ruin.
    Mostly chose it as my avatar because I like the picture, though the games are good too.
    Hey 'fina, any chance of more fic from you in the foreseeable future (DA or something new) or are you too busy? Your writing was lots of fun.
    FaeGlade Plural
    FaeGlade Plural
    I do have plans, and my motivation has been getting better recently, so - maybe? I'm loathe to promise, since I do not want to disappoint.
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