ZurigaSungama Jul 14, 2020 "Hey, Buu, have you ever heard these words? This... is to go... even further beyond! PLUUUUS ULTRAAAAAA!"
"Hey, Buu, have you ever heard these words? This... is to go... even further beyond! PLUUUUS ULTRAAAAAA!"
ZurigaSungama Mar 20, 2020 "All riven, kith and kin. All given for this, a never-ending riddle! My flesh worn, heart betorn, mind, by mem'ry, be-gyved..."
"All riven, kith and kin. All given for this, a never-ending riddle! My flesh worn, heart betorn, mind, by mem'ry, be-gyved..."
ZurigaSungama Jul 12, 2019 "Hugman, what is best in life?" "To have no enemies, see hate driven before you, and to feel the liberation of forgiveness."
"Hugman, what is best in life?" "To have no enemies, see hate driven before you, and to feel the liberation of forgiveness."
ZurigaSungama Jun 28, 2019 "Now, would I say somethin' that wasn't true? I'm askin' you, sugar, would I lie-ie-ie to you?"
ZurigaSungama Feb 1, 2019 "Consider this, Alcibiades: has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"
"Consider this, Alcibiades: has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?"
ZurigaSungama May 4, 2017 "I spy, with my little eye, someone who isn't going to live very much longer."
ZurigaSungama Feb 28, 2017 Happy Mardi Gras, everybody! Wear some cheap beads, eat, drink, and be merry!
ZurigaSungama Jan 7, 2017 If my suggestion sounds like it would require deploying thug squads to implement, perhaps the gap between us is optimism, not morality.
If my suggestion sounds like it would require deploying thug squads to implement, perhaps the gap between us is optimism, not morality.
ZurigaSungama Jan 5, 2017 Because, cool guys don't look at explosions! The flames are hot but their heart is chilled!