• Good evening.

    I've enjoyed your posts on the Star Wars lightsaber "forms". Here's hoping you'll continue the rest of the series like you did Form I, please!
    I wanna thank you because you helped me find king of dragon pass again
    You're welcome! It's a great game. There's also a sequel series being made; so far it's only one game (and it's only on iPhone), but it's really good, too. It's called Six Ages.
    endless void
    endless void
    I've to check it out then
    "It's MAY I/Say yes or no, not sure/etc." people piss me off. You're not my parent or grammar teacher, you don't get to tell me how to talk.
    If there were a quest pet peeves thread, #1 on my list would be when someone's idea of a write-in is to try to mash two options together.
    undead frog
    undead frog
    My goodness I can't agree enough on this part, I can understand trying maximize benafits but come on, the desperate options are separate for a reason.
    I've now spent a quarter of a century on this Earth. Kind of a weird milestone when I say it like that...
    And now watch as it aaaalll goes downhill from here.

    I'm 26 myself.
    You want to help make a Martial Arts setting based on psychoreactive Ki? Some more of that Wu Xing of yours would be great.
    Honestly speaking, the exact mechanics and metaphysics of in-setting Qi systems has never been hugely interesting to me. I'll certainly help where I can, but it's really just not where my mind focuses most of the time.
    Wheel of time
    Culture, nations, and all that other stuff is there to be made as well. I could use some help with that and how the Qi alters and changes them.
    Just realized the last post on my Idea thread that wasn't from me was more than a month ago, and about 5 words long. Bit discouraging, that.
    I think if I ever did a quest like ROYL again I'd have readers vote on a viewpoint character for each chapter, instead of having a real PC.
    It's kind of interesting, seeing the difference in response between a quest for a series that's popular and another that isn't.
    Funny thing is, I expected something about the Sengoku Jidai to be more popular. Eh, you got me hooked nonetheless.
    Sorry I haven't been writing anything. My laptop crapped out on me a few weeks ago, so any updates will be sporadic at best for a while.
    Hey, just wondered if "As High As Honor" is still going or if it was on hiatus for the Xmas break?

    On that note, Merry Xmas!
    It's probably not getting updated until after Christmas, yeah. Sorry about that.

    Merry Christmas!
    Heyo! Just rereading LGHT of My Soul, and noticed that Chapter 4 is missing the opening chunk of the story. Something mighta gotten erased when ye were tweaking it, I think? From Lucifer waking up to about where he starts chatting in the cafeteria.
    Thanks for pointing that out. Should be fixed.
    Volume 4 comes out in less than a week, so I figure now was as good a time as any to change my avatar.
    And it's still Ren.

    You must really like him.
    Eh. It just kind of feels like it's become my "thing."
    Fair enough.

    I kinda first associated you with a Spike avatar you used way back. So....

    Thoughts on your A:TLA quests? Anything players could do to help jog your inspiration? Or is it just a "it'll happen if it happens" kind of thing? I'm loving what's in those quests thus far, but I have no clue how you planned on juggling three of them.
    It's more that I just suddenly got a big case of writer's block that I've been trying to overcome by just fleshing out a lot of stuff, both in those quests and for other stuff I have. It's worked well enough that I'll be updating them all by the end of the week. Thanks for asking, though.
    Oh I am slain!
    Oh I am slain!
    That's good to hear! Thus far, I think the airbender is the most intriguing to me, while the sandbender setting seems likely to be the most enjoyable for me.

    Anyway, definitely ping the threads if you ever need a combo of substantive and inane comments. ^_^
    Pretty late, but in case anyone's not aware, ROYL is no longer being written by me and there is a new thread. Link's in my signature.
    Working on a term paper while also preparing for a midterm, so updates to ROYL and my stories are going to be... difficult.
    i didnt want to ask this on the thread itself (since its been inactive for about 40 days) but are you gonna continue your yu yu hakusho story. it was just starting to get good.
    It will keep going, but it's really something I just work on in-between all my other stuff, so it's not going to be updated regularly.
    okay, thanks for telling me.
    Question: Are you also doing an adventures in Nerima on QQ? I ask because I want to see the Kuno's best friend in a saner world chosen. Y'know?
    Any chance of Son Quest being continued?
    Probably not, sad to say. I did start up another Dragon Ball quest though; Makafushigi Adventure.
    Started my first actual story! "The LGHT of My Soul" is now up on both SB and SV. If you like my quests, be sure to check it out sometime!
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