• Further Beyond was a treat to read, you've done great work is there a chance of it coming back?
    A chapter and a half are already ready, but the arc itself hit a roadblock some time ago. I'll take another look at it during these two weeks of relative peace but no promises.
    Sorry for bothering but is there any likely you'll take a crack at your Ouroboros fic again?
    Loving your new work and glad to see it!
    Thanks! While I let it sit and marinate it went off and grew sub-plots without letting me know so we're all on Midoriya's wild 'I'll break my bones if I wanna' ride together. :V
    Was just rereading the Game On quest, and remembered how great it was. You pulled it out of the grave once before, is there any chance of it ever returning again?
    Low. Basically it depends on my free time. I know that there are people who can do keep up with multiple things at once, but I apparently max out at two.
    There were lots of things I wanted to do with it - heck I was watching an LP of Spiderman PS4 and thinking: wouldn't this be an awesome place to visit using the manual = dungeon that was never used, but... it's hard to justify such a commitment atm.
    Well, as long as it's never a perceived lack of player interest putting you off.
    I was looking back over things, and wound up rereading The Argent-Eyed Heiress and being reminded of how much I liked it. Do you have any plans to continue it? :D
    I tried to re-read it but it has a really rough start that is just really terrible from both a QM perspective, story perspective and Crossover perspective. I actually started rewriting it I was so dissatisfied with it. x_X
    I just remembered something. When I was talking about Lancelot, I meant Berserker Lancelot. Saber Lancelot is one of the best Servants for his role in the game.
    Haha, I thought something was a little off, muh boi Lancelot is basically my team right now. He dies, the fight becomes super chancy.
    A Nation's Virtue
    A Nation's Virtue
    I'm sure you saw already, but I have a nearly perfect (Saber) Lancelot in my support list. The dude is a beast, and if you ever level his first and last skills to 10 he will destroy anything that isn't an archer.
    Hey, I recommended to you Ruthanna Emrys' "Litany of the Earth" a while back, but I forgot to mention that the first book she was hired to write about those characters has come out. It's called "Winter's Tide."
    Any plans to continue the MHA Jumpchain Quest (Wait, All For Who?!)? Because I was really looking forward to where it might go, but it seems to have died. :-(
    That's not very fair haha, don't feel obliged to do that.
    Czlyydwr Llrngwl
    Czlyydwr Llrngwl
    Well, there's a few options based on what she's already experienced - 1) figure out what the various things she's collected along the way do and what the limits are, 2) get a proper handle on this world jumping business, which will require more hops, 4) Ask her companion what the Lord Whatsit's deal is and why their world is trashed,
    Czlyydwr Llrngwl
    Czlyydwr Llrngwl
    5) Ditto the alchemist with the war there, 6) reconnect w/friends & de-stress, 7) ask the players as such to set a new objective (split due to low comment length limit)
    Really Amazing work On the Argent Eyed Heiress. Has all the makings of an incredible story. Watching with interest.
    For what it is worth it, every single big quest had a brief - or not so brief - period of hyper-derp somewhere around page 1000-1100. I just hope FoD recovers from this misshap. Discussion being ...sort of... productive was a major positive to for me. Blatant continuous derpage of the playerbase saps enthusiasm like nothing else.
    I've never been in a quest this big before, but that's good to know. Also, really interesting, I wonder why it happens. Other trends I understand, this one was inexplicable.
    I can only guess, honestly. Voter inertia? Some sort of exhaustion or overconfidence? Confusion about character goals and motivations? Old salt from early pages finally hitting some sort of critical mass of unreasonable-ness and poisoning the waters?
    And, I guess, percentage of participating-in-discussion voters to not-participating increases in favour to the latter, Quests become very vulnerable to bandwagons, and FoD got sorta popular.
    Are you still running the Rules of Engagement (Prototype/Marvel) quest or is it dead or in hibernation mode currently?
    Hibernation mode as I shake off all the dust on my third person singular writing. On the plus side, I'm pretty sure I have over 1000 words written up somewhere, last I checked.
    Happy birthday!
    It took me resetting my password to realize you'd wished me a happy birthday like almost two months ago. >_>

    Thanks! Though, in the interest of honesty, the January 3rd birthday is a fib, I'm actually born on May the 3rd. The January 3rd date is a relic of me being a teenager and told repeatedly that I could not put my real *anything* on the internet. I-
    - didn't really take it all that seriously until someone I role-played with actually managed to find me through facebook after which I was like: HOLY SHIT, THESE WORLDS SHOULD NOT BE COMING INTO CONTACT WITH ONE ANOTHER ABORT ABORT ABORT.
    What's up? You haven't posted much lately.
    I was pretty busy for a while due to work, and then various other real life concerns cropped up. Right now, I'm suffering through this bizarre 'I wake up every day and the muscles along my right shoulderblade hurt like the dickens' which is somewhat annoying and concerning both.
    I also may have started designing an original setting murder academy after re-reading Polyhistor over on QQ and that's my less self-indulgent side-project, haha. =3=;;
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