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  • Hey Diomedon, how are you? I know you said you were busy a while back, but you should swing by the ASWAH thread one of these days and laugh at the latest antics (if you're still interested in the quest of course). It's been eventful since you left, to put it lightly :p
    If you don't mind me asking, what do the star before your name represent?
    I don't mind. It shows that I'm a subscriber to SV. Which mostly lets me create new tags.
    Ok thanks for answering.
    Good day to you, sir. If you don't mind me asking, where is your avatar from?
    She's Senjougahara Hitagi from the Monogatari series. I'm not exactly sure which season the image is from, but it's one of the later ones. I'm tempted to say Nekomonogatari: White, but I'm fairly uncertain about that. If you like Studio Shaft animation, and lots of japanese wordplay between characters and philosophy, it's pretty great.
    Grey Rook
    Grey Rook
    I see. Thanks.
    "If I kill you, that means I'll be the closest one to you on your deathbed. Isn't that romantic?"
    Hello 2nd best girl, how have you been?
    Hi, I just found Burning Wind, Frigid Gale, and I was wondering whether you intend to continue it. it looked very promising, and i don't want to get my hopes up if its going nowhere.
    I have a 1/2 of an update sitting on my computer, but Breath of the Wild is very distracting. I also had a very...interesting March (2 car accidents and debit card stolen). I'm hoping to start popping out updates again soon.
    yowch, sorry to hear that. Can't wait to see the rise of the gerudo though
    Sounds like it was a hard March, and a shiny laser chase in April. Was it more calamity in May, and how has June been treating you (your writing time)?
    I saw that Funny rating Diomedon! DOES MY PAIN AMUSE YOU SO?!

    That was for the first half. When I finished the post, I removed it and replaced it with hugs. ^_^;;
    ...and I get yet another idea for mechanics/RPG stuff that's never going to be fully made but seems so compelling.
    Who's your avatar?
    Nice! It's one of my favorties. Then again, I love anything involving lots of talking and introspection. I mean, I liked -Joshiraku-.
    For me, Bakemonogatari Read (Watched?) Like a Sandman comic.

    Which is a very good thing.
    Shaft does some amazing work. Like, their cinematography is absurdly deep and overly detailed. If they just stopped over-sexualizing loli characters, they'd be perfect.
    I was gonna reply to a bunch'a your stuff but then I realised you were actually quotin things, not saying them, eheh
    Oh, and uh, Hi! I'm Hypervene! How are ya?
    I may be quoting things, but I'm also saying them. :) Hi! I'm good, how are you?
    Pretty good!

    If you're also saying them, then give me a moment to mosy up a reply to them, it should take long!
    No longer the Class Rep you know? I'm afraid you've been deluded, Araragi-kun. The 'Hanekawa Tsubasa' you knew never existed to begin with.
    Are you planning on starting up Icarus Rising again?
    I am planning on it, but writing has been difficult lately. I blame finally getting around to playing Fallout 4.
    Seeing as you gave me my last omake prompt, got any other ideas? Preferably something of a slightly more serious bent.
    I have a couple idea, and none of them are at all serious. Sorry. ^_^;;
    I don't know everything. I don't know a single thing...
    Actually, that means you know one thing, since its true ya don't know everything!
    We keep living anyway. We rise and we fall. We break...
    ... And we mend. We take and forget. We learn and we save.
    And yet...
    We keep living anyway.
    By the way, do you have any knowledge of RPGs? Or do you play them often or...*flails*.

    Looking for feedback on stuff and things.
    I have played some RPGs though most of my experience has been PBP or video game RPGs. I have given a lot of thought to game design, and the differing requirements from a tabletop RPG, vs a PBP forum rpg, vs a quest, though.
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    Well, hrm, wanna start a convo with me, then? Might show you what I have so far.
    ...I have far too many ideas, far too often. I dunno why I'm sharing this, but I felt the need to share my woe with others.

    Quest Ideas come off of me like dandruff.

    Send help.
    I don't know what to tell you. I have the same problem, but my ideas don't get expressed. They just go to rot inside me...

    If I was able to produce even a fifth of what you do in a week, I'd be beside myself with relief.

    Maybe put ideas explicitly up for adoption in your idea thread?
    And sadly no. I'm at work.
    The Laurent
    The Laurent
    But I'm too close to my ideas. I'd, like, kidnap them from their new parents.

    I mean, have you seen my latest idea? I started having it this morning and now I have an opening post and ideas for mechanics generation and the new world. It's just sorta...sorta gah.
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