• Was rereading old DL posts and stumbled across your stuff. Hope you're doing well, I enjoyed having you around the thread!
    Hello! I just found the Armsmaster Advice quest off of a friend's recommendation, and I love it! Even if it never comes back, it was a very unique and intriguing story idea.
    Do not abuse the ratings system to harass other users.
    "Whoever rated my post "funny": Fuck you. "

    I just found funny that you complained about the point of quests which is giving the other posters a choice and rolling with the consequences.
    Quests are collaborative games. If you go into a vote thinking "which consequences should I force the rest of the players and the QM to deal with", you're not participating in good faith.

    And let me be clear: If the best defense you can muster is that your vote wasn't actually illegal, then you know as well as I do that you weren't trying to "collaborate".
    I didn't vote for this choice, so 🤷‍♂️.

    And since it's a write-in, the GM could have just said no to this choice.
    So, your name popped up next to Alivaril's latest thing, which prompted me to read it which lead to Much Enjoyment, so thanks for that.

    Sadly, Best Steampunk is still not around.
    Okay, "Make Sword Invisible." 10/10. *Elegant.*
    Thanks for the links! :D
    On record, Alcoholism is really good but sometimes slow, Paradox is popular but kiiiiiiiiiiinda deadish (that also wasn't its original title), and Wolves/Witches is merely okay but also "wandering wizardress in WHFB."
    Alcoholism in particular is meta-relevant, though -- a lot of people in Div. Loyalties have read it and it's influenced the discourse a good bit, to the point that when I read through bits of the thread there are people confusing Alcoholism-verse with Loyalties-verse canon.
    Breach of Rule 5. Do not continue arguments on people's profile page because the thread has been locked.
    Quote"Madou Sutegobana, how would...?"
    To answer your question, I neither stated or implied that Kaizuki's problems did not exist, nor did I state that they don't get to talk. I stated that those were not an excuse for Kaizuki to accuse LendvaV or a weapon to shut down LendvaV's pointing out the misinformation in their post.
    Thank you for saying the smart things about Worm precog in the PMAV thread

    No, srsly, you said it better than I ever could, and you're consistently a pretty high-quality poster in general, so, uh... kudos? I hope that's not weird.
    Thanks for the feedback! I try to hold myself to a high standard and it's good to hear that I'm doing it right.
    What's the status of Dragon Quest online? I just found (and read through) it, and it looks interesting.
    Any news on your quests? I like both of them, but it seems they're both dead. :/
    Not dead. Only sleeping. I seem to have episodes of crippling writer's block perfectly synchronized with life events that make me basically incapable of writing. I intend to pick one or both up in the next couple months, once I'm done with this round of job hunting.
    Oh, are you currently looking for a job? You do stuff over on the heavily math side of computer science, right?
    Yep. AI/ML and CS theory are specialties.
    Out of curiosity, Vebyast, are you a mathematician? Some of the stuff you have been talking about on the Ignition thread suggests fairly extensive knowledge of pure mathematics.
    Might as well leave this here before I forget (as I'll definitely be asleep when you get back):

    I'm not particularly well-versed in physics. However, I did once have an opportunity to do some differential geometry and stuff on twistor spaces - there's some really beautiful maths there (even if I wasn't any good at it).
    There's several uses of info theory - I guess the easiest example is genetic diversity. Turns out if you've got a bunch of data on the genes of a population you're trying to keep alive, the exponential of Shannon entropy is a good way of assessing that, to say stuff like "Well, technically we've got 100 animals here, but for the purposes of avoiding inbreeding it's more like 5".
    > twistor spaces
    Those look really neat. I didn't get into the higher regions of abstract algebra myself - did a ton of linear stuff, mostly for motion planning, and a good amount of controls theory - but it's always interested me.

    Genetic diversity makes a lot of sense. Cool!
    ...Huh, I do like that vote.
    Having reread it, it has some major issues even if the framework is decent.

    The second part of -[x] And you knew that telling her was going to hurt and you kept finding reasons to put it off like isn't actually true, and the third part's wording is weird and so is "how dare you get hurt because it hurts me too!" as an answer to "WHY DID YOU LIE TO ME". TBH it needs some reworking...
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