• Please delete or remove your post. It's pointlessly rude and risking mod attention. The GM himself just told you to stop.
    You called his thinking insane and that you tried to ignore his comments because of it.
    No the take is insane when compared to canon, also it's a damn near compliment.
    How many people will constantly and repeatedly bring up something that is completely counter to 'canon' as something that ruins a story or quest? Yet for those people his quest is good enough that those people don't bring it up but the once, and just brushes it off afterwards.
    But yes in canon that take would be insane.
    Don't read it the worst possible way please.
    I know which quest that is from and it's completely pulled from the PMs ass. One reason why I like Torroar's more is that he doesn't just make up random shit that makes no sense.
    Out of curiosity and to not derail the thread, which quest is it specifically that you are referring to with this?
    It's title is posted several down from the post I replied to.
    Divided Loyalties? Is that really any worse than whatever the official material constantly pulls. I would say stuff like the Chaos Dwarfs servitors would qualify as such if consider the protection ritual as such. I do believe Boney puts more thought into the setting than Games Workshop usually does. Dwarf lore is pretty bare in many instances, I see no problem adding to it.
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