• I'm down with crud.
    Everything aches, my nasal passages are clogged all the way back down to the throat and I have no energy.
    Definition of grim vagaries and general ficlness of luck:
    I'm scheduled to be the only one to man my usual detached field office.
    It is weekend and no one is to go into the field due to minor blizzard blowing.
    Literally, nothing to do but sit, drink tea and relax.
    An hour and some change in, an asshole field supervisor and his assistant - who I remind y'all were defying company advisory by coming at all - slip their service car on the iced road and into a ditch nearby.
    There is no one else on weichle duty working today, nor is anyone willing to come in off the clock due to blizzard.
    I offer the boob to close and lock in my office for the 40+ mins it would take me to drive them to the main office building, but he refuses citing company policy.
    Than I suggest I take only him, and have his assistant man the office. Same result.
    So, I've spent the past ~6h playing unvilling roommates with an absolute anal-retentative idiot and a non-entity with less personality and imagination than a stale wheet cracker.
    I couldn't even read a paperback nor play some music for the duration.
    Temporarily moved in with my Nan, due to the pandemic, and thus haven't had access to a computer for the past month as of today.
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