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  • I can't shake the feeling that I'm supposed to recognize the symbology in your PFP from somewhere else, rather than just as your PFP. Is there a meaning behind that choice of symbols or something?
    Only the sort of meaning that a young teen with a passing interest in astrology and symbology came up with two decades ago. The black symbol is Libra, and is representative of balance; the purple is Infinity, which I matched up with eternity and constance, ending up with a rough meaning of "constant balance".
    I'll start pounding the lid/saying I haven't finished yet/I still have a tattoo to get/that says I'm living in the moment
    Checked your sig. thanks for a fun read!
    Hmm. What's even in my sig? Ah. Yeah, What If? is pretty great. It's worth picking up the book, IMO.
    What the hell is the point of these "reading the books" fics?
    Sometimes it makes it easier to read the story if you read someone else comments on it and what not. It's not just pure "wankery" >.> Sometimes it's also used to review said story and things like that though.
    Perhaps. More often than not, though, they seem to be some variation on "stick assortment of characters in a room with the book(s), copy out the source material, and have said characters offer mostly inane commentary."
    Yeah, those ones are kinda meh.
    Hey - I remember you complaining about not getting a chance to vote and only piping in on the small confidence poll - this time, there's another fairly important vote going on, if you want to participate. Cheers.
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