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  • Do you know that Marine gun from starcraft are actually quite OP ? This show that the zerg are even more OP than you thought when they take basically more than 2~5 anti-tank rifle gun. So it weird that the Empire 88 grunt somehow managed to kill them, not to mention hold them back when the empire invade Peter territory ??

    View: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/9StcouZwo-E
    Arashi Zaros
    Arashi Zaros
    I still like that fanfic 'in nuclear fire', it just feel there are some inconsistent and being negative atmosphere most of the time (even after read chapter 72 it feel like any positive can't stick at all despite negative atmosphere get lessen), so it make some of the reader I know end up hate it a lot. Just only want to let you know in term of feedback, not to be negative or similar
    Arashi Zaros
    Arashi Zaros
    Aside from above, if you like library of ruina for the transhuman aspect, then I have a good new for you here, this quest exits, and the author do know lot of tech for that setting + know how to 'mostly' balance it, unlike average 'tinker of fiction' story, with interesting mechanic:

    Tinker of the City (Project Moon x Worm)

    A Tinker Quest, but you can only build the horrid technology of the City. A crossover between Lobotomy Corp, Library of Ruina, Limbus Company, and Worm. Heavily inspired by Tinker of Fiction and Palace of Greed, El Dorado. Resources: Project Moon feats/respect thread, Project Moon...
    OK so reading chapter 70 of "In Nuclear Fire" still hurts all of my emotions, thanks for that by the way.
    Hope Your doing well.
    Why haven't you touched Little Miss Alcott in so long? That story has so much potential.
    Same just read it and it's so good
    It was pretty wild, really loved the way Dinah was mowing through stuff; it had a lot of potential
    Sorry you have this mess.
    Eh, don't worry about it. This isn't the first controversy I had to deal with and it wont be the last. I'd be dissapointed with myself as a writter if that was the case.
    In Nuclear Fires really made me like Aisha.
    Aisha is a character that's incredibly easy to get wrong and make super unlikeable. Far too many people write her as 'look at me, jokes, lol' and forget her deep and interesting parts. Like her unwavering loyalty. She stood alongside Taylor during the entire Zion. Also killed Heartbreaker and took care of his children.
    Thank you for the highly entertaining writing.
    Thanks for reading it!
    I might be biased since it was my first, but there are many reasons I'm not, and I'd say yours is the best of the three long running Tinker of Fiction stories out there.
    Hey, man. Happy birthday!
    Thanks! I have been wanting to send you the next chapter of ZS for weeks now but then I had to move and I had to put it in the back burner. I hope to have it ready next week.
    No pressure dude, this is your day!
    Didn't want to take up to much thread space on an off topic thing.

    The ending of suikoden two makes more sense in the context of the greater universe.
    The true runes literally manipulate the fates of everyone involved. The true rune of conflict compels the holder of it's halves, the black sword and the shining shield, to fight each other to the death by any means necessary.
    Working with and against fate is something of a meta narrative of the series.

    To put it simply, the creation story of the series basically boils down to a war between fate and chaos, with absolute victory of either spelling doom for everyone. The true runes are still fighting this battle
    Just so we're clear, the true runes aren't 'evil' per say, but rather operate on blue-orange type morality. For every travesty they orchestrate, there is a case of lives saved, or oppression lifted. The runes can't be destroyed without fucking up the world, either.

    The lore for the series is pretty extensive, and I would not mind talking about it more if you're actually interested.
    I don't mind PM for long replies like these. Yeah, I get that the act of forgiving is to break fate, but the guy had been such a massive asshole that I really didn't want to forgive him. Also, doing so meant I got the 'travel' ending and not the 'rule' ending. Sadly I only played the first 2 Suikodens so I don't know how much more lore there is.
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