Cyreni Feb 4, 2018 Thief of Time was fun. Not sure what they have against nougat in chocolate though, that stuff's great.
Thief of Time was fun. Not sure what they have against nougat in chocolate though, that stuff's great.
Xellos May 23, 2017 Been playing Melty Blood. If only I was any good at fighting games other than Smash. Z shape inputs are weird.
Been playing Melty Blood. If only I was any good at fighting games other than Smash. Z shape inputs are weird.
Cyreni Apr 24, 2017 So I watched OPM. Half of it, anyways, since I jumped in on my brothers' binge. Escalation: the Series, consequences of power, using it well, using it poorly, and Tornado most annoying character.
So I watched OPM. Half of it, anyways, since I jumped in on my brothers' binge. Escalation: the Series, consequences of power, using it well, using it poorly, and Tornado most annoying character.
Xellos Feb 13, 2017 Got the urge to install Skyrim on my newer computer and get rid of all my old save games to start completely fresh(keeping some mods though)
Got the urge to install Skyrim on my newer computer and get rid of all my old save games to start completely fresh(keeping some mods though)
Cyreni Nov 21, 2016 I have this strange urge to get you to collab a Dresden Fillies DFRPG sheet with me for that Outer Gates game; show all the plebs how to do a Dresden crossover right.
I have this strange urge to get you to collab a Dresden Fillies DFRPG sheet with me for that Outer Gates game; show all the plebs how to do a Dresden crossover right.
Xellos Aug 20, 2016 The snake has been moved into its new, super nice home. I'd post a picture, but its a unique custom build with one pic on facebook. :/
The snake has been moved into its new, super nice home. I'd post a picture, but its a unique custom build with one pic on facebook. :/
Xellos Jul 18, 2016 1:30 in the morning, hear the sound of the snake crawling on thermometers and possibly pulling them off the wall.
1:30 in the morning, hear the sound of the snake crawling on thermometers and possibly pulling them off the wall.
Xellos Jul 13, 2016 Going terrarium building this Saturday. Design a new, more environmentally stable home for my snake.
Xellos Jun 1, 2016 Laptop is fixed. And just in time too. They repaired its loose hinge as well as the fan, which is cool.
Laptop is fixed. And just in time too. They repaired its loose hinge as well as the fan, which is cool.