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  • A Update on a god acendant Pantheon Sheet?

    A God Ascendant (Dragon Age)

    Take command of Varadan, God of Knowledge and Progress, and all his followers based in the city of Ebonwallow, and bring the light of enlightenment to all who would oppose it. Let none stand in your way, not the Chantry, not the land-hungry Orlesians, not the ideologically-conquering Qunari...
    I will get to that, don't worry. Just been busy with stuff.
    A Update on a god acendant?

    A God Ascendant (Dragon Age)

    Take command of Varadan, God of Knowledge and Progress, and all his followers based in the city of Ebonwallow, and bring the light of enlightenment to all who would oppose it. Let none stand in your way, not the Chantry, not the land-hungry Orlesians, not the ideologically-conquering Qunari...
    Working on it right now, been busy with work and other stuff.
    His Imperial Majesty of Singapore requests that great empire builder quests be recommended to him.
    Well the quests in my sig are all pretty good Empire/civ quests. Some on break till after the new year week though. But the ones I recommend are the star wars ones and the Battletech/Killzone quest.
    Might take the time to read them when possible.
    Ye gads! I need good WHF quests! Of Elves and Dwarfs and non-Chaos norscans! Maybe Fantasy Ethiopia in the Southlands! 😢
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