• I was sad to see that you will not be on SB anymore.
    I will be eager to read more of your Fics here on SV in any case! ^_^
    Are there other Sites that you post content on and participate with at all?
    I am also sometimes active on Questionable Questing. Though there like here I haven't really had writing time the past year.
    I've always wondered, who is that statue post to be? 'w'
    Grey Rook
    Grey Rook
    Apparently it's Vaermina, a deity from the Elder Scrolls setting. Yes, he named himself after a god.
    I love your Fallout story and I do hope you continue it as it's a joy to read and reread :D
    I plan to get back to it someday, right now though I am concentrating on my Babylon 5 story.
    I quite enjoy the SI stories you do, please keep doing them.
    I'm curious and interested in what the Shadow SI in B5 is up to and I hope you continue the Fallout one too.
    Hiya. Just in case you never got around to reading it up yourself,


    in traditional Japan, unlike many other nations where women had no responsibilities at all, wives in proper families were in-charge of the entire household. They were a household managers of sorts. The men on the other hand, would often go to work, and seek love in brothels.
    As for 'where', pretty much anywhere. If you're interested, there are many published journal articles on the issue.
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