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  • Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I'm enjoying Semi:Colon, I really hope that you have the time and inspiration to continue the story. You've done an amazing job giving the different Wards unique personalities and showing how Taylor interacts differently with each of them. I'm also veryinterested to see the Armsmaster subplot play out, I always enjoy Tinker! Talyor stories where she gets along with Armsmaster.
    Way out of date comment on semi; colon, so I'll put it here - it's weird to see Armsmaster as trans instead of clockblocker/timesnatch, but super interesting. The comment about being around an out trans sister making it too hard to stay closeted is super real though.

    I've had that effect on 4+people I know and a friend had that effect on me when I was all eggy.
    So, if you don't mind me asking, where is your avatar from?
    Grey Rook
    Grey Rook
    I see.

    Secondly, do you have any plans of continuing Semi;Colon? I thought it was interesting.
    Haha yes, it's not dead, I've just been very busy for the past bit, combined with some unfortunate writers block when I am free. Looking to get the next chapter out before the end of this coming week.
    Grey Rook
    Grey Rook
    Yeah, I know that feeling. Good luck.
    Hey, just wanted to ask about your Life is Strange quest? I'm hoping it resumes whenever you're able.
    Good news! I'm literally putting the finishing touches on the latest update riiight now. Absolutely hilarious that you posted this tonight.
    Oh wow, talk about timing :D
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