Jyn Ryvia

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  • Hey Jyn, from the WHF Advisor quest, in which Beastman source books are they portrayed as Native American inspired?
    Jyn Ryvia
    Jyn Ryvia
    I don't remember, I know it was one of the art books, there some of the jewellery(ish) stuff was blatant ripe off of native american religious wear.

    if that helps?
    A Compilation is a round-up like the nice list you've just made in Divided Loyalties. What the people on your list have is Complications, which can make things complicated. :)
    Thank you for taking a fair stand for the SI and Worm fics. Just because someone dislikes something doesn't mean that they should treat them unfairly specially when they are in a position of authority.

    (That was a Mods only thread wasn't it?)
    Jyn Ryvia
    Jyn Ryvia
    No actually, it's a open suggestion thread that the mods look at (I'm not a mod)
    Jyn Ryvia
    Jyn Ryvia
    nether was most of the others or the guy to start the thread

    ...it said I had insufficient privileges to post. Probably because of my recent infractions then, I guess.


    Still that was nice of you.
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