• Hey sorry to bother you but is everything alright? You suddenly disappeared for over a month so just wondering.
    Want to see something I wrote and the Quest is doing awesome.
    Which is very good considering how little updates there are so far and yet its already got a very well oiled voter base though lacking the greater discussion of say Sword Without a Hilt.
    Sounds cool. Reminds me a little of Unknown Armies. Like acting in a way to follow an archetype grants you powers that such an archetype would wield?
    Wheel of time
    Sorta. I got Priests tap into collective subconscious God Forms and interpret them, Dragon blooded warriors harnessing the metaphysical qualities of the sorld making titans, warriors learning ways of being from Gods and Soul Houses that house Internal Gods made of your own will.
    Wheel of time
    Its all muddled and messy
    How much you like magic systems? I got four I am working on for one setting.
    Wheel of time
    Rough outline but not a finalised product and a main character at that.
    Sure. I'll check it out. Do you have a post here or is it on your discord? Not a huge fan of what I've experienced from that app so far though.
    Wheel of time
    Discord is where I mainly talk about him and I can give you a rundown of the basics there as its pretty short.
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