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  • I hope you managed to find a schedule or something that helps with your creative process! Decided to reread the Friendly Necromancer, it was a blast.
    Alright. I had to come here and say this...

    Wolfspider is sooooo good! Absolutely sublime!
    Definitely one the best crossover Worm fics out there!

    Thank you for writing!
    Saw the Wolf spider post, remembered how nice a story it was, and then realized the sheer comedy of your Taylor ending up in Helldiver's 2.

    Real life RTS with the Queen of Escalation.
    I read all of the first book of The Friendly Necromancer, it's very good. Will ypu write the sequels sometime?
    Binged The Friendly Necromancer the other day, and absolutely loved it. It is a wonderful and gripping fic.
    Hello! Big fan of "For The Sake of Better Things"

    Do you think you're going to continue that fic at some point or is it currently on permanent hiatus?
    I'm glad you like it! And I'd love to continue it at some point, but right now I'm just really not in a place where I can continue such an emotionally heavy fic. I just don't have enough energy to spare to make it into something enjoyable rather than a chore. I'm not sure when I'll be in a better place to write it either, right now my grad school future is looking pretty miserable.
    Got it! Your mental health absolutely should come first. Don't worry Shira writing for now; we'll happily come back a year or two from now if that's how long it will be. Just make sure to take care of yourself, will yah?
    Will do. Heck that's why I'm writing the new story, The Friendly Necromancer. It's much more positive and writing it makes it easier to cope with nightmare grad school advisors and quarantine, rather than harder.
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